Here's an idea for a great avatar, if anyone cares to do it.
Take the video and create an animated gif with the shaking, shaking, SHAKING sequence, it would be a cool avatar.
I don't know how to do it though. Anyone here bored enough to make me one?
The secret with guys like this is to "leak" his address to the aviation community.
I'm not advocating buzzing or otherwise loitering over/near his property. Especially if you have a airplane or helo that's black. Definitely don't circle over his house. That's not a nice thing to do.
Homie is clearly a few cans short of a case.........however....
This will sound strange, but about a year ago I was out on a trip and when I got back my wife reported nearly the same senario to me. She woke up in the early am (still dark)to the sound of rotors, CLOSE rotors. She looked out the bedroom window (second floor) and saw a white helicopter hovering between our house and the neighbors just above the roofline, mind you the houses are only about 40 feet apart. She could not make out an N number. The helicopter hovered for about two minutes then proceeded on. She could not make out the type (she has little experience with helecopters)
I guess she would be considered in the same catagory as this guy if we had reported it, except that prior to our kid being born she was an airline pilot!
Fortunately she is not prone to shaking the desk and screaming at the top of her lungs like a lunatic! And no, this guy is not one of our neighbors!!!
I just figured it was probably the guy from the private strip not far away running around having a little fun in his is white also.
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