Ive been interested in joining either the Naval or AF reserve and am wondering how people like it or not. Im 21 and have about 2 years of college left. I think it would be a good experience, part time pay, home load gurantee, and 10,000 for college if I do selected reserve for 6 years. I dont think I qualify visually for flying in the military so a piloting position isnt really important. Just trying to get a feel if one can do this while in college. I always wanted to join the military but active duty is time away from school and flight time so thats why the reserves really appeals to me. Im leaning more towards the Navy right now. I especially like the master at arms position but I heard it is a difficult position to get and most of it goes to prior active duty. I guess not really aviation related but I see alot of reserve guys post here so any insight would help.