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Required Inspections...Part 91

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"Uh....oh yeah...&quo
Jul 20, 2003
91.413 (I think) states that a pilot may not operate an aircraft in IFR...blah blah unless the Pitot/Static system has been testing in the preceeding 24 calender months.

So am I safe to assume this is for IFR flight ONLY????
Not only is it IFR, but its IFR in controlled airspace that this is required. And you are legal to fly in VFR conditions with the altimeter and static system inspection overdue. You may file and fly an IFR flight plan, as long as you remain in VMC.

And the reg is 91.411 for the altimeter and static system. 91.413 is for transponder and encoding altimeters.
You may file and fly an IFR flight plan, as long as you remain in VMC.

Not so. The regulation does apply to controlled airspace only, but does not authorize operations under IFR with an out of date pitot-static system so long as the flight remains in VMC. In fact, the regulation says nothing about "VMC."

What the regulation does say is...

§ 91.411 Altimeter system and altitude reporting equipment tests and inspections.

(a) No person may operate an airplane, or helicopter, in controlled airspace under IFR unless -

(1) Within the preceding 24 calendar months, each static pressure system, each altimeter instrument, and each automatic pressure altitude reporting system has been tested and inspected and found to comply with appendix E of part 43 of this chapter;

When the regulation states "under IFR," it doesn't mean that one can operate with an out of date system under IFR if visual conditions exist. It simply means exactly what it says, and that is you can't operate in controlled airspace under IFR with an out of date system. VMC, IMC...it makes no difference. Can't do it, legally.

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