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Republic Pool

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Jul 13, 2005
So I was hired by republic five days ago and told I would be placed into a pool. Republic is my number one choice and I would like to work there. However, with the current slow down I'm not sure if it would be wise to wait and possibly never get a call for a class date. If any Republic pilots could chime in on their thoughts on the situation over there as far as class dates it would be appreciated. Are you guys still losing pilots? Do you think you are short on pilots currently? I have 1400 tt and 200 multi all from instructing. Two months ago things were looking good. Now the door seems to be shutting fast. I'm going to apply to American Eagle and if I get hired, make a decision on waiting for Republic or going to Eagle. Comments and suggestions appreciated. Oh ya, long time lurker, first time poster.
Sounds like they are waiting to see how Delta is going to restructure the regional flying.
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I'm going to apply to American Eagle and if I get hired, make a decision on waiting for Republic or going to Eagle.

Not to get your hopes overly high; but, with 1400/200 i'd be very very surprised if you didn't get hired. Study and know your jepps cold for the interview, have a personality and you'll be fine. Life here isn't nearly as bad as people make it out to be. It's not a smooth ride but it won't be anywhere you go. I'm not sure if I'd want to be at an airline affiliated with DAL right now either....At least until things start to settle down after the merger.

As other have said...The next 6mos to a year are going to be rough with the economy the way it is and all the mergers. Just find a cockpit to call home and strap in tight for the ride.
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Come to eagle. It is really not that bad and you do a lot of flying. I agree with others don't sit in a pool waiting because the door is just about shut. Hi Bill how come I never see you around the crew room?
maybe im partial to my company..but i would wait it out at republic. the J4J guys are for the most part all going to be leaving if not gone. leaving a pretty big vacancy to fill regardless of the current economy. upgrade is still pretty quick. call HR and feel them out as well if you haven't already. hope that helps
Well you can still get hired somewhere else while you wait for the class date. You won't be tainted for working for a company not as holy as dear sharniqua...

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