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Active member
Jun 27, 2002
Wondering thoughts on what to say and fill out on apps about old tickets. Checked NDR record, state driving record and FBI file and nothing shows up at all.

Thanks for your thoughts
What's up freighter?
I think it depends on who the app is for. For example I had received a pre-screen interview with ACA last summer and one of the questions they asked was "In the last 10 years how many violations (traffic) and accidents have you had. I told himthat I have had 5 and denied me from coming to Dulles for thew interview. The airline I currently work for did not ask one question about my driving record even after I had disclosed on the application that I had a few. Although my driving record is clean, I had added an addendum to my paperwork packet explaining my driving record in the event that they had a question about it. I figured that it would come up in the interview but never did.
I guess some people unlike the tighta$$ ACA recruiter realize good people make mistakes and a perfect driving record is not all that important. DUI's and $hit like that though I think are a different story.
I hope this helps you in your application mess.

ACA was by far the biggest waste of an interview ever..I had a traffic violation on my record I didn't know about before the interview..So I told the recruiter I only had like 1 speeding ticket in the last 5 years. When I got my report it showed I had a suspended license in Jan 1999.

Apparently I had a ticket in NY for an overdue inspection (which I did cause I had driven home from FL the same week) But since I went back to school early I never got the chance to pay the fine in court. So I postponed the court date til winter, but ended up staying in Fl and working. I received a letter from NY saying my license was suspended for failing to show up for court (in Dec) I immediately called NY, explained the sit. and faxed them a copy of my inspection receipt. It was suspended for a whole 3 days. Thats it!

The interviewer, some smug European sounding guy who was high on his horse, basically called me a liar the whole time I was at the interview, and was a jacka$$ for the whole time too! I wanted to grab him by the collar and bounce him off the walls of the small ass room they interviewed us in.

Oh well, hopefully he broke his leg after slipping on a banana peel in some airport sometime.
I think I had the same guy, He got all wrapped around the axle looking for my tailwheel endorsement, called me a liar, and incompetent for logging the time. He then looked extremely stupid when I noted the early entries(dates) that exempted me from the endorsement requirement. I then called him a "booger eater"
and left!
P.S. I did have the endorsement, the flying club I flew at required it, it was just hard to read.
it has to be the same smug little f@ck I had..hated that guy...i felt like running his a$$ over with a hotel van
It felt great, I went back home and continued my 135 freight gig in the BE-99 until TSA called.
They did me a favor!

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