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Realistic NJA contract projection

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1. TA will be up sometime in Summer
2. It still might not pass.
3. It might not be good.
4. We might strike (or come close to it, meaning furloughs and whatever other nasty tricks the company chooses to use in their pre-strike arsenal against us).
5. You must consider CURRENT CBA wages when considering a job here.
6. Your Primus 2000 experience, although helpful in getting you a job here, will mean nothing when it comes to what plane you end up in. That being said, they are hiring into ALL FLEETS at this time. The last new hire class I visited in November had pilots going into every fleet.
7. Get your ATP now. Do not put anything on your resume unless you have it. (friend put "ATP" on resume, got to interview, they saw temporary ATP certificate and compared issue date with resume date, needless to say, he didn't get job here.)
8. Get your stuff in now, who knows how long the line is.
9. Do not resign your seniority number. ( we have furloughed guys from EVERYWHERE here.)
Good luck, PM me if you need any help.
Oh yeah...
When condsidering the 7 and 7 at NJA, the following applies:
Some fleets have a shortage of SICs and their SICs get 7 and 7 before other SICs on other fleets. For example, I've been here 2 years 3 months, on the XL, and cannot hold 7 and 7 (yes I'm an SIC). Pilots in my seniority and even JUNIOR to me that are SICs on the Citation X CAN hold 7 and 7. So what fleet you get is very important, not that you have any say. However, if you do get an interview, knowing what fleet you would like would be beneficial. When I was hired I had no choice. Also, upgrades: The most recent Ultra upgrade seniority number was something like 1500-something. I'm mid 1600s. There are 2000 pilots. As you can see, it might be a long time (and that's for the Ultra).

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