I am sick of the materialistic greed mentality that is so pervasive in this country where we think we are entitled to some kind of reparations and big payout for every thing that happens.
"I've looked through the preceding posts pretty carefully and I can't see where anyone has mentioned quality."
A squared,
If you had read my post carefully, you would have read that I was responding to a statement and attempting to keep the issue from spreading in many different directions such as "quality".
>I see flags poking from cars waved by those who desperately fight to keep from paying taxes...
Taking tax deductions or disagreeing with the ridiculous amount of taxation we are subject to and having a flag sticker on my car makes me a hypocrite? You lost me on that one.
>who strike out at government...
You mean the government like the jack-booted ATF thugs and child/woman-killing FBI agents? I only strike out at them with thought and my voice. You're saying this is incompatible with being a good American? I like to think it's just exercising my rights to free thought & speech.
>But gosh darn, if it ain't socially acceptable to wave a flag.
Your point wasn't totally clear on this one, either. If you're questioning people's new found appreciation for flying the US flag, I personally don't care why. I'm just glad to see it.
>Have you learned a second or third language in our homogenized socieity and melting pot?
Lost me on this one too. You saying I need to learn the language of the people coming to my country to be a good American? If so, you're contradicting yourself calling this a "homogenized socieity and melting pot", because it that it definitely is not and is only getting worse.
Speaking of reparations . . .
Does anyone else think we ought to just take enough Iraqi oil to pay for the war effort, airline bailouts, pilot unemployment, airport security, INS reform, no-fly zone enforcement, victim relief and whatever the he$$ else we can think of?
Sound draconian? So does flying airplanes into the WTC.
This is not new information, it was available some time ago. I confess I do look for the "made in USA" label. Please consider the spirit of these contributions that where made by the employees of some of these companies. It is good to start the day with the idea of helping some one if the opportunity presents itself. I am not new to following some of the heated debates on this board. But this one struck close to home and quite frankly some of the comments turned my stomach. I think it is time for me to take a break. Take Care All!
Wow this post sure has riled up some people. One should never base a buying descion based on how much money that a company gives to chariety. I personally have always been a BMW fan, but I have my own reasons.
Avbug, that was a good post, it sounds like some of the things that I have been saying for a while.
On another note, has anyone heard of the Glenn Beck Program, he dug up some intresting converstaion during his last show this morning.
It's just another one of those Email rumor things. Almost all manufacturers have donated. And as for Audi, they contributed 1,000,000 and VW did the same - the $2,000,000 is from the VW Group.
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