walk a resume in after the ice storm we're having right now. As winter approaches, people flee Ram and Package Express (in Concord). Both are good for experience however.
I'm not sure what you mean about the "fleeing for winter" comment. I fly for Ram Air and the only reason people are leaving here is for the airlines. In the past few months we've had pilots go to Horizon, Trans States and Mesa, plus several more going to interviews.
Right now, new hires are coming from internal recommendations but it never hurts to send in a resume. You must have the Part 135 IFR mins, though. Otherwise, save the stamp.
Ram Air has and have had one of the most proficient pilots and fearless , what comes to Weather issues!
Go Ram Air!
I hope you guys figured out, what to do after Federal reserve starts to doing business electronicly!
take care!
And who is looking to get hired there, go and stop by or call, since if you fax your resume it might go straight in to carbage , it used to be located under the fax machine! 1800 865 7691 ext.204
Yeah, never had a little (or a lot) of ice stop us yet.
As far as the electronic check stuff goes, the nay-sayers are overreacting.
Fact 1: Yes, check flying is going to go away someday, but not anytime soon. It costs banks 7 to 8 cents per check to fly it vs. 11 to 12 cents to process it electronically. You do the math. Yes, at some point down the road these costs will reverse but that is still several years away.
Fact 2: The Federal Reserve may have a requirment that all check transactions be done electronically by late 2004 (I'm still not sure about that one), but banks will still have a requirement to move checks TO THEIR OWN PROCESSING CENTERS to accomplish that. IOW, individual banks won't have that capability for several years because of cost (read Fact 1) and the physical hardware that would have to be bought, installed, tested, etc. Companies that depend largely on Fed work (ie, Airnet) may be in trouble, but at Ram Air, Fed work only accounts for a small amount of our business. Most of our flying is to private bank processing centers.
If you want to build some awesome flight experience, this is still a great place to do it. If weather scares you or you like to whine alot, don't apply.
they had that statement of 'not accepting resumes' on their website since the summer of 2002. I got hired along with a few others while that was on the website, and I believe they did a few more classes after that. plus knowing that two more of my ex-Ram friends also just got hired by a commuter, they will probably be taking more pilots. You just need to get someone to take in your resume for you, or go over and make yourself known to them.
the flying there is great! I'm now in a class for a commuter, but realize that I will probably never be as proficient as I was while check flying, nor have as much fun in an airplane... and I made more money! however a jet is a nice change.
As I and PumpkinPony (I'm glad Horizon is treating you well) said, you really need to know someone here to be considered. The last 7 pilots we hired all had an internal recommendation. As far as dropping in unnanounced, it's a crap shoot. Our offices are pretty small and if the sh!t is hitting the fan that day, you'll just be in the way.
One other thing that may get you noticed is if you live at or near one of our bases.
It never hurts to send in resume. But you will have to have the 1200 hours to be hired here.
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