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ReportCanoa said:
Don't like it? Find another job. You're one of those people that buys a house next to the airport, then srceams about airport noise. My job rocks, although I could find many things to complain about, I don't....

Is ReportCanoa flamebaiting or a chump?
nimtz said:
Please don't think I was trying to belittle a corporate job.

No worries partner, I never took it that way. I was just trying to give the folks here a better understanding of the corporate world as compared to airline flying. Best wishes to you.

Report Canoa,
Tell us what you think about your job when you have 5000 hours. It's got good things, but like anything else, it gets to be just a job....

Worth is like anything else, you worth is what someone will give you to do something, not what you think it is.

Unfortunately, we are going through a re-evaluation in the flying world of what things are worth. Before people may have been willing to take less to get the more as you moved up. When that path was relatively quick, maybe it was worth it.

We'll that path may have slowed up considerably and the golden egg at the top turned a bit bronze. Freedom and others merely reflect what is going on. This is an unprecedented change in the basic way of life for aviation. Some may now elect to go to other occpations and eventually there may be less numbers in the pilot ranks. Then and only then will pay start back up.
I guess it all lies in the fact that we pilots are probably the only people who really love what we do. Even when it sucks we love it. But this is no reason for the hungry newcomers to tell us that we should not try to raise the bar, that we should accept it or get out. The fact that there is always someone willing to be used and abused for next to nothing is one reason that things stay like they are. The other is simply because we love what we do and they (mgts) know it. Poor dumb rich bastards.....

I take issue with your view. Low pay at the regional level is not because of the economy. J.O. will make money with Mesa whether he gives his pilots more money or not. It's just a matter of how much he puts in his pocket. Air Wisconsin, Comair, Skywest, etc all make money for their respective codeshare partners and their own companies while paying their pilots respectable wages for a regional airline.

I believe there are problems with Unions and their priorities. I believe there should be less parody between the top and bottom of the industry. The top 25% of the seniority lists should make less and the bottom 25% should make more.

To blame the economy and excess pilots for the state of the current contracts and negotiations is wrong. Otherwise Great Lakes/Mesa/Colgan (insert substandard paid regional airline here) pilots would have gotten better raises when times were good. You are correct in associating the negotation of better regional contracts with the good times in the 90s but I don't think it was a direct effect nor is that way necessary.

There are a lot of things wrong with this industry and Airline management, pilots, unions, and the government need to start doing the right thing for the industry as a whole and stop being so selfish. It won't happen so I don't have much faith for a simple solution.

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