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questions from a newbie

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Well-known member
Sep 16, 2002
I'm a 30 year old 1200 hour CFII/MEI with about 60 multi and a degree. Like everyone else who's been in my shoes, I'm really wanting to move on to bigger and better things.

At my FBO I can get around 15-20 hours of multi each month. Skywest is where I really want to work, but it will take me a few months to meet their minimums, and even then I am probably not even close to the competitive minimums. So...

Is Skywest interviewing anyone with just barely over the minimums? What about with a LOR?

What about Great Lakes? I have heard all the bad stuff about them, but it can't be worse than where I am now. I work six days a week already and make less than a GLA FO. I don't mind flying a lot and I'm already poor and used to not getting treated like royalty.

Most of what I hear about Lakes is that people's schedules get changed a lot. I can live with that. But I don't know what "getting junior manned" means. Can someone please explain that to me?

Also, I am about to be married. I understand that a lot of Lakes trips are 4-5 days. Does this mean you're actually gone overnight all 5 days? I always figured it was this way at all regionals and look at it as just part of paying my dues. Do other carriers, like Skywest, have you home more often, or is it the same across the board.

Thanks for any info and advice. Great board.
Hey Chuychanga,

I'm an ex-laker. Don't listen to all the bad stuff. At lakes, the airplanes are taken care of, the people are great, and you'll build a lot of time.

Now the bad stuff. Your schedules do change a lot. Contract requires 10 days off, and that's all you'll probably get at first. The contract requires stretches of 3,3,3,1 or 4,3,2,2 for days off, so the commute isn't fun. Also get a part time job at Mickey D's to supplement your income!!

There are not any reserve crews at Lake's.(the 2 years I was there anyway). Jr. Manning means your the most junior pilot on the senority list to have an open trip assigned to you. (there's alway's open trips since reserve crews are slim) This of course usually occurs on day five of your trip just before your flight home.

Go to Cheyenne and walk your resume in if you want to work for them. I didn't know anybody, but this worked for me, I was in class 2 weeks later. I had about the same time as you.

Good Luck
Thanks, good info.

When you walk in a resume, would you ask to see the Chief pilot or just the first secretary you see?

I have heard that some chief pilots get really pissed if you take up their time by showing up unannounced, begging for a job. I will be in Colorado in a few weeks and may be able to manage a quick trip to Cheyenne. I will also go ahead and do the online app.

Also, what do you mean by 3,3,3,1 and 4,3,2,2? Which are the days off?

Thanks again.
Those are the order of your days off.......a stretch of 3, and another, etc. This keeps them from giving you days off one at a time!

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