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Questions for CHQ Guys

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Token White Guy
Dec 4, 2002
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I have a couple of questions for any CHQ pilots out there

1. What is the expected result of the strike vote due on the 20th?

2. What are the hiring expectations over the next six months, and how will a NA or YA on the strike vote affect that?

3. What are the chances of CHQ actually going on strike?

4. How do you like flying for CHQ and what recommendations or comments would you offer a guy attempting to get on with them?

Thanks yall and keep the greasy side down
We're hoping and I'm pretty confident, that we're going to get a high percentage of "yes" strike votes. I believe they are to be counted and the results released within the next few days.
As for continued hiring, I talked to someone in the training department last week and he said they are to continue hiring to the end of the year, but of course that could change. I cant really speculate what a YA or NA vote would do. I know with a NA vote the company could pretty much continue to bend us over and make us bite the pillow yet for awhile. An overwhelming YA vote will make the company know we're serious, united and not putting up with them any more. The company is already a little on edge right now and a high percentage yes count would benefit us even more. Negotiations are going on as we speak and I believe are to continue next week so we're hoping many positive steps will be taken, especially concerning compensation and Repubic.
As far as an actual strike, of course nobody wants to strike but I know if it comes down to it, we will. We are fed up with working under a contract that is 2 years old, and our CEO telling us how great of a job were doing, yet not being compensated fairly for it. The race to the bottem ends here, one way or another.
As far as flying here goes, I love the actual work. I'm based in CMH and the crews I work with are cool, good equipment to fly, I've got a great schedule with 16 days off, and will hopefully be upgrading soon. Once we get a good contract, it will be an even better place to work.
The best way to get on with us, would probably be to have somebody who works here give you a LOR. If not, just send in your resume, and keep updating it every so often. Good luck!
Well I could write the same thing Gordon wrote but that would be a waste. I feel pretty much the same as Gordon. Get on and get seniority, don't worry about the rest we will fight til the bitter end. The company has their panties in a knot.

You aren't hearing rumors, you are trying to start them. There is not going to be any sick out. Illeagal work actions before self help is allowed would be just plain stupid. We as pilot group won't go that low. That is the kind of crap we expect from Beford and the rest of management.

Bottom line- nothing is going to happen until we are released for self help. But then, LOOK OUT!

Sorry, probably shouldn't have posted that, but someone mentioned it to me the other day in PIT. I apoligize.

I hope you guys hang in there.

No worries man. We just have to do things very carefully and professionally. We can not, nor would we want to win any other way. Even the suggestion of us doing something wrong needs to be niped in the bud. Mine was a knee-jerk reaction to your statement and I should have been more tactful. After further thought I should have thanked you for calling this to our attention. If these kind of rumors are going around we need to stop them. They are not only untrue, but could greatly hurt our efforts.

Most importantly, thank you for your support and interest in our cause. These things effect the entire industry and your attention to this matter tells me you are one who is helping to better the industry as a whole.
This could go one of two ways:

Either BB & Co underestimated our resolve and are now coming to terms with the fact that the CHQ pilots will choose death before dishonor, or-

It is all part of BB & Co's strategy and the CHQ pilots are sitting in the crosshairs blissfully ignorant of the increasing pressure on the trigger.

Either way, the CHQ pilots have dug in their heels and it will either result in a contract or Armageddon.

This CHQ pilot will not be BB's kid. I'll turn my back on this whole industry before I capitulate.

The vote for the strike authorization closed yesterday (June 19) and the results will be out today. And yes, 328: the support you and others have voiced on these boards and elswhere has had a major effect on the morale of the CHQ pilots and we very much appreciate it.
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Well, your right, right now your in the drivers seat, and the rest of the regional pilots, are watching very closely.

All I can do is what we did for Comair during thier strike.
Supply KFC buckets for the boys and gals for all the hungry line walkers.

Let me know, regular or extra crispy!


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