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Question of IFR currency?

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Ease the nose down
Feb 26, 2006
A pilot takes his IRA test and passes. He does 3 approaches under the hood and they are all logged. The test is signed of by the DPE as a successful test. The question is when does his 6 month clock start, from the check ride or from a look back to the last 6 approaches?
UndauntedFlyer said:
A pilot takes his IRA test and passes. He does 3 approaches under the hood and they are all logged. The test is signed of by the DPE as a successful test. The question is when does his 6 month clock start, from the check ride or from a look back to the last 6 approaches?

Look back to the last 6 approaches.
SkykingC310 said:
Look back to the last 6 approaches.

An IPC requires a representative number of tasks from an IRA checkride. So you're saying that an actual checkride doesn't qualify as an IPC?
IHateDaley said:
An IPC requires a representative number of tasks from an IRA checkride. So you're saying that an actual checkride doesn't qualify as an IPC?

Where in the original post does it say anything about an instrument proficiency check? And why would you be taking a IPC if your not instument rated? You make no sense to me. The situation described is of a pilot obtaining his instument rating and during the checkride he completed 3 instrument approaches. The reg requires 6 in six months time. So he can add these 3 to the previous 3, whenever that was. His 6 month clock is not reset by the checkride. If he did 6 approaches on his checkride, then it would.
SkykingC310 said:
Where in the original post does it say anything about an instrument proficiency check? And why would you be taking a IPC if your not instument rated? You make no sense to me. The situation described is of a pilot obtaining his instument rating and during the checkride he completed 3 instrument approaches. The reg requires 6 in six months time. So he can add these 3 to the previous 3, whenever that was. His 6 month clock is not reset by the checkride. If he did 6 approaches on his checkride, then it would.
I think thats right. The explanation, not the hostility part.
A flight review or competency check is not a practical test, but a practical test that includes instrument flight tasks does satisfy the requirements of a flight review or competency check. The newly rated instrument pilot needs to complete their six approaches in six months from the date of the satisfactory instrument rating checkride. Once rated to stay PIC current they can meet 61.57(c), complete an instrument competency check 61.57(d), meet the exceptions of 61.57(e), or pass another checkride that requires instrument procedures (ie, ATP, Type rating, etc.) to function as PIC in instrument conditions. After six months, as you know, they have another six months to get the six approaches (along with the other stuff) before they are forced at least to a competency check.

I know it doesn't state it in specifically in 61.57, but it is stated in the FAA Inspectors handbook that they may combine flight reviews and competency checks with an appropriate practical test checkride.
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SkykingC310 said:
Where in the original post does it say anything about an instrument proficiency check? And why would you be taking a IPC if your not instument rated? You make no sense to me. The situation described is of a pilot obtaining his instument rating and during the checkride he completed 3 instrument approaches. The reg requires 6 in six months time. So he can add these 3 to the previous 3, whenever that was. His 6 month clock is not reset by the checkride. If he did 6 approaches on his checkride, then it would.

How can you be instrument current if you're not even intrument rated? It starts from the checkride. Correct me if I'm worng, but even an IPC doesn't require 6 approaches, just a "representative amount" as stated by IHateDaley.

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