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Question for People in the Northeast??

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Aug 19, 2004
As being a person who grew up in the northeast and did a lot of flying there back in my early "years" and being a local to all the airports EWB TAN 1B9 PYM ORW BED ORH etc etc. I was recently home and happened to stop by PYM, WHAT's UP WITH ALL THE BUILDING????? alll the new hangars, taxiways, ILS, looks like the place to be!!! (also the day I was there, saw an awful lot of jets hanging around) anybody got any info???? Looking to move back and maybe get some work there

Things have been jamming there for quite some time now. Basically, there are 2 people responsible for all the infrastructure. One is an ex-state street bank dude who loves flying, the other is a retired AA pilot who started his own operation with Beechjets and Hawkers. He pretty much lobbied the local state reps to get an ILS into the field and also lengthen the runways. Business has exploded for his company, as he's gone from 1 beechjet to 3 or 4 and a couple of hawkers, mostly 91 owners on an outside 135 certificate.

If you're looking for work and you have some experience, get his name and number from the airport manager and lob a call. He had alot of turnover early, but it seems to have simmered down.

Good luck. BTW, did you grow up in PYM?
As being a person who grew up in the northeast and did a lot of flying there back in my early "years" and being a local to all the airports EWB TAN 1B9 PYM ORW BED ORH etc etc.

I started flying out of TAN and EWBin '91..How about you?
What is PYM? I could look it up but I'm lazy. I'm guessing that it's Plymouth. If so, it's Alph One. I've seen them hiring on climbto350 quite often.
Marsh Carter is the former CEO of State Street that put a couple of the hangars up. There is another going up right next to him.

Professional Airways is the Beechjet/Hawker operation. Tail numbers like 26PA, 262PA, 268PA. I have not heard particularly good things about that operation but I'm sure some people that stay there must feel fine about it.

In the new hangars is a part 91 KingAir op with a 350 and 90. Although I heard they just closed on another 350. Apparently it is a group of families that own all the airplanes. Mostly east of the Missisippi flying. Good pay from what I understand.

The fella that started ebizjets which when sold I believe became Sentient owns a CJ2 and I hear just bought a CJ3. Both brand new. He flies one of them with it being on a 135 with Maine Aviation when he doesn't fly it. I'm sure the other one may end up 135 as well.

osy is confusing Alpha One with the PC-12 frac Alpha Flying. Alpha One only runs a Challenger 600 series aircraft and maybe one other jet. The flight school is still there but dwindling. The field also has the State Police helicopter ops and Medflight based there with two copter flight schools and some private copter operators. It probably did look a lot different from what you remember if you hadn't been there in 10 years. As I understand the plans are already complete to extend 6-24 to 5000 feet however the approval process may take some time.

Mr. I.

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