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Question about time building!

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Well-known member
May 1, 2006
I am kind of stuck in a dilemma! I am trying to get to the min's at Express jet as fast as I can! So here’s my question...I am currently a CFI but I have an opportunity to fly SIC in a 135 operated Caravan 5 days a week. Now I have read alot of posts on here about how SIC Caravan time is crap but I far as I look at it is still TIME! So my plan is to fly the Caravan then CFI on my days off. So in about a year my time should be somewhere around 1,100TT 200ME 400PIC 700SIC. How does this look to interview boards? Yes its SIC but it is scheduled 135 turbine time! Am I going to do this and just end up being told I need more PIC? I just don't log many hours here as a CFI and well I'm not getting any younger!! LOL
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Well the operating cerfeficate requires an SIC when flying with a captain with less than 100 in type. Now I don't know about SIC but I don't think anything prevents me from logging PIC when I am the sole maniplator of the controls(single pilot aircraft-me flying)
Be very careful how you log your flight time. I've seen people get booted out of interviews for crazy things in there log books.They don't play games with that kind of stuuf.
If the Sic time in the Caravan pays well take it. If it is one of these deals that tries to get you sit right seat for free with the promise of building time and one day getting a great flying job dont even consider it. If they are not even willing to pay their pilots they probobly have poor maintnence and treat their pilots in a way which is designed to make the company money at all costs. If your cfi job is not getting you many hours you can always find another one that does.
good luck
Well said if it pays do the caravan job... only for the money.

Coex wont like any single pilot sic time. I heard they booted a girl for sic time in a citation 500... thats cold blooded, i know they have softened up since then but still.

Besides dont you need like 100 multi anyhow? I also think they like CFI's
jetracer5 said:
...So my plan is to fly the Caravan then CFI on my days off. So in about a year my time should be somewhere around 1,100TT 200ME 400PIC 700SIC. How does this look to interview boards?[/quote]

I think you may have a problem being hired simply for the lack of PIC time. Best thing to do in your situation would be to right seat in the 'Van til you get 135 PIC mins, then get a 135 PIC job and build up your PIC time BEFORE you apply to any regional. They also like to see applicants who can handle more than just "Gear Up, Flaps Up, Shut UP!" Getting into 135 and becoming a company instructor can take as little as 4-6 months in some outfits, and looks excellent on your resume.

This might take a little longer than the year you are planning on, maybe 2-3. Don't let that discourage you, but don't expect yourself to be a shoo-in right at their mins.
I flew the 208 for a while, are they even sold without a AP?

No 135.299 no logging PIC if operating under 135. Part 91, a different scenario, but at least they are paying, so if they pay, do it. Just dont be a logbook dope and log what shouldnt be.

When you say operating certificate, are you suggesting Operations Specifications? If you mean the Operations Manual, that might be a reach, but normally by PFT'ers looking for an easy buck off a lower time pilot, and these guys are paying, so go figure...
This is only my opinion but personally I have a few hours logged of SIC time for a 135 operator in the Caravan. It's good for operators that like you to have time on type but not necessarily for a regional that's flying a CRJ or something. I highly recommend you limit the number of SIC hours you log in a single pilot airplane. It could really come back to haunt you if you go to get your ATP with 1700 hours and 700 SIC and the examiner says they won't count the Caravan SIC time.
Just saying that it might help you land a Caravan PIC job down the road, but probably won't help you on an interview board. If you DO go fly a 'Van as PIC then your SIC time is validated in my opinion.
The logging of this time is highly debated and you can find some good threads on here with differing viewpoints.

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