First let me start by saying that I have enjoyed this web site for quite sometime and have found some very useful info here. Unfortunately I'm not as well versed as most of you folks are so have not been able to offer any advice of my own or given back to the community - for that I apologize!
Here's my question:
I am a student pilot and am gearing up for my checkride. I have lived in the Caribbean full time for the past 10-years. In my time down here I have ONLY worn flip-flops - I even managed to make it through my grandparent's 50th wedding anniversary & my 10-year high school reunion wearing them (although I did have to wear long shorts, which you probably better know as pants, ugh). At any rate in those ten years I have driven my truck barefoot and have gotten use to the feel of the pedals on my feet - If I try to drive wearing flip flops it feels like someone has shot my feet full of novocaine and I pity the soul unlucky enough to pick that moment to bum a ride with me!
You probably see where I'm headed with this but to make a long story even longer - from my very first flight to today I have never worn shoes while flying. Nobody has ever asked me to, they just said I should do whatever make me comfortable. So that was all fine until just recently when my instructor springs this on me "You know you're gonna have to wear shoes when you go for your checkride" WHAT! So I went out and bought my first pair of shoes in 10-years (slip-on checkerboard Vans) - no such luck. Feels like I have two wet Antelopes strapped to my feet and you can probably imagine how difficult it is get into a 172 with two wet antelopes strapped to your feet, let alone work the pedals! .
So I guess what I'm asking is - does anyone know if this is the case!? I can't find ANYthing in FARs that says you must wear shoes when you fly, or clothes for that matter! (of course I probably missed something somewhere)
Any feedback is greatly appreciated. Me and my wet antelopes are headed out for a beer so I can contemplate checkrides and they can graze.
Many thanks in advance!
PS - This may or may not make a difference but I'm only getting my PPL for personal use. I'm not going for a commerical license.
First let me start by saying that I have enjoyed this web site for quite sometime and have found some very useful info here. Unfortunately I'm not as well versed as most of you folks are so have not been able to offer any advice of my own or given back to the community - for that I apologize!
Here's my question:
I am a student pilot and am gearing up for my checkride. I have lived in the Caribbean full time for the past 10-years. In my time down here I have ONLY worn flip-flops - I even managed to make it through my grandparent's 50th wedding anniversary & my 10-year high school reunion wearing them (although I did have to wear long shorts, which you probably better know as pants, ugh). At any rate in those ten years I have driven my truck barefoot and have gotten use to the feel of the pedals on my feet - If I try to drive wearing flip flops it feels like someone has shot my feet full of novocaine and I pity the soul unlucky enough to pick that moment to bum a ride with me!
You probably see where I'm headed with this but to make a long story even longer - from my very first flight to today I have never worn shoes while flying. Nobody has ever asked me to, they just said I should do whatever make me comfortable. So that was all fine until just recently when my instructor springs this on me "You know you're gonna have to wear shoes when you go for your checkride" WHAT! So I went out and bought my first pair of shoes in 10-years (slip-on checkerboard Vans) - no such luck. Feels like I have two wet Antelopes strapped to my feet and you can probably imagine how difficult it is get into a 172 with two wet antelopes strapped to your feet, let alone work the pedals! .
So I guess what I'm asking is - does anyone know if this is the case!? I can't find ANYthing in FARs that says you must wear shoes when you fly, or clothes for that matter! (of course I probably missed something somewhere)
Any feedback is greatly appreciated. Me and my wet antelopes are headed out for a beer so I can contemplate checkrides and they can graze.
Many thanks in advance!
PS - This may or may not make a difference but I'm only getting my PPL for personal use. I'm not going for a commerical license.