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Question about re-position flt’s

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You guys are talking about 121, which I know nothing about. But under 135, it isn't an interpretation or a "gray area." Ferry flights are SPECIFICALLY excluded from 135 under 135.1. Thus, if no revenue passengers or cargo are carried, it is a 91 operation.

The call sign thing is interesting. At my present company, and others I have flown for, we used the company callsign whether 91 or 135 (many of our trips are 91 because we are carrying the owner of the aircraft). I am not aware of any restrictions on using the callsign, but I also haven't seen any regulatory references to it either way-- anyone have a link?
Okay, Google is my friend. WRT to the callsign issue, the appropriate link is:


And the relevant section is:


a. Authorized three-letter identifiers and/or telephony designators are valid only when aircraft are flown for company business in accordance with the provisions of the FAR under which an operating certificate was obtained from the FAA. The pilot will revert to standard identification procedures when using the aircraft for personal flying.
some_dude said:
a. Authorized three-letter identifiers and/or telephony designators are valid only when aircraft are flown for company business in accordance with the provisions of the FAR under which an operating certificate was obtained from the FAA. The pilot will revert to standard identification procedures when using the aircraft for personal flying.

Movement of an aircraft to a maintenance base without revenue passengers or cargo on board is for company business.

It's still a Part 91 flight.

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