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Question about 91.137

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Oct 24, 2004
I have a question regarding paragraph (e) 91.137. I know you can fly through (a) 2 and 3 on a IFR flight plan. Paragraph (e) says:
(e) Flight plans filed and notifications made with an FSS or ATC facility under this section shall include the following information:
(1) Aircraft identification, type and color.
(2) Radio communications frequencies to be used.
(3) Proposed times of entry of, and exit from, the designated area.
(4) Name of news media or organization and purpose of flight. (5) Any other information requested by ATC.
So does this mean that if you file an IFR flight plan and plan on flying through a TFR that you need to add your proposed times of entry of and exit from, the designated area?

Sec. 91.137 - Temporary flight restrictions in the vicinity of disaster/hazard areas.
(a) The Administrator will issue a Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) designating an area within which temporary flight restrictions apply and specifying the hazard or condition requiring their imposition, whenever he determines it is necessary in order to --
(1) Protect persons and property on the surface or in the air from a hazard associated with an incident on the surface;
(2) Provide a safe environment for the operation of disaster relief aircraft; or
(3) Prevent an unsafe congestion of sightseeing and other aircraft above an incident or event which may generate a high degree of public interest.
The Notice to Airmen will specify the hazard or condition that requires the imposition of temporary flight restrictions.
(b) When a NOTAM has been issued under paragraph (a)(1) of this section, no person may operate an aircraft within the designated area unless that aircraft is participating in the hazard relief activities and is being operated under the direction of the official in charge of on scene emergency response activities.
(c) When a NOTAM has been issued under paragraph (a)(2) of this section, no person may operate an aircraft within the designated area unless at least one of the following conditions are met:
(1) The aircraft is participating in hazard relief activities and is being operated under the direction of the official in charge of on scene emergency response activities.
(2) The aircraft is carrying law enforcement officials.
(3) The aircraft is operating under the ATC approved IFR flight plan.
(4) The operation is conducted directly to or from an airport within the area, or is necessitated by the impracticability of VFR flight above or around the area due to weather, or terrain; notification is given to the Flight Service Station (FSS) or ATC facility specified in the NOTAM to receive advisories concerning disaster relief aircraft operations; and the operation does not hamper or endanger relief activities and is not conducted for the purpose of observing the disaster.
(5) The aircraft is carrying properly accredited news representatives, and, prior to entering the area, a flight plan is filed with the appropriate FAA or ATC facility specified in the Notice to Airmen and the operation is conducted above the altitude used by the disaster relief aircraft, unless otherwise authorized by the official in charge of on scene emergency response activities.
(d) When a NOTAM has been issued under paragraph (a)(3) of this section, no person may operate an aircraft within the designated area unless at least one of the following conditions is met:
(1) The operation is conducted directly to or from an airport within the area, or is necessitated by the impracticability of VFR flight above or around the area due to weather or terrain, and the operation is not conducted for the purpose of observing the incident or event.
(2) The aircraft is operating under an ATC approved IFR flight plan.
(3) The aircraft is carrying incident or event personnel, or law enforcement officials.
(4) The aircraft is carrying properly accredited news representatives and, prior to entering that area, a flight plan is filed with the appropriate FSS or ATC facility specified in the NOTAM.
(e) Flight plans filed and notifications made with an FSS or ATC facility under this section shall include the following information:
(1) Aircraft identification, type and color.
(2) Radio communications frequencies to be used.
(3) Proposed times of entry of, and exit from, the designated area.
(4) Name of news media or organization and purpose of flight. (5) Any other information requested by ATC.
I was flying all around the Gulf Coast after the hurricanes last year. From that experince I would say, just file a flight plan and they will tell you what you can and can not do.

One time I was only able to transit an area by flying Victor airways that skirted what I would like to have seen. The other time I asked for a different route from the controller and got it. Then I asked to circle and was allowed to but only at 4000 AGL.

I think that 91.137 is there to cover a bunch of options. Call a FSS and ask what you can and can not do. You should always be able to find a way to get where you want to go especially if you are willing to go IFR. There will be a bunch of restrictions and you may have to get creative to get there.

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