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PT6-42 RPM Question

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Well-known member
Jun 24, 2004
Quick question for someone working on PT6's......

After you apply power, one prop is noticeably slower to come through the govenor than the other one. Left side comes through around 1600 RPM noticeably slower than right side.

Makes for fairly uneven power additions for a few seconds.

Not sure what the exact problem is, and how much of a bear it is to adjust it.

Govenor issue? Something deeper?
When you say PT6A-42, speed problems, you're talking Ng, gas generator speed. When you talk propeller RPM problems, you're talking Hartzel.

Presumably this is on a King Air B200?

While the two are linked mechanically, the propeller is largely independent. Not enough information is provided. From your description, you just have a propeller that's slow to move, and that could be several things from an internal mechanical wear issue to the wrong grease, to just a rigging question.

What is your gas generator doing? Does it hesitate, surge, or otherwise do anything abnormal? How does it move in relation to the other engine...temps coming up the same, fuel flow looks the same, just a propeller hesitation?

Are your condition levers in high or low? (Bear with me on that one...I'm answering off the top of my head at the moment, and I've been in a number of PT6 powered airplanes recently...each configured differently...My last King Air 200 flight was a few years ago now). Is this occuring on the first flght of the day or subsequent power applications? Have you been cycling the propeller and exercising it before doing this? Does your airplane have a chip detector, and are you doing oil analysis...and has anybody changed oil brands lately? Notice any grease or oil around the propeller, or along the propeller shanks? Have you noticed any propeller hesitation in reverse, or transitioning across the gate?

If you're getting engine hestiations, not just propeller hesitations, a number of problems could also be present, from a P3 air leak to fuel control bellows to filter or pump issues. Temps normal? Ng normal? Are you running a trend monitoring program, and if so, are the trends changing at all?

It is a B200. (1401 and 1463)

NG, fuel, temps, all else is O.K.

Trend monitoring being completed each day, data remains constant.

Its just the prop.

It is not on first flight only, it is on all flights, on this particular A/C.

Prop has been exercised before this, oil brand has not been changed (eh, dont hold me to that, but im fairly sure it hasnt..not in this area.), nothing unusual seeping from the prop assembly.

Also, there is the same issue when in Beta/Reverse. Differing RPM's with the same power lever position, rates on RPM increase are different (not NG spool up).

Seems to me to be a rigging issue, I just wasnt sure.

Just wanted some backround info to be able to converse with the engineers on this one.

We had this same issue with our other B200, and just a simple, ten minute re-rig solved the problem. I have a feeling this is the same thing.

But, sometimes youve gotta push these guys, ya know?
Certainly sounds like a rigging issue...if your folks fixed it the last time in fifteen minutes, I shouldn't imagine you'll need to push them very hard.

I like Fletch.

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