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PSA to Furlough

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Sorry to hear about all this bad news around here lately. Taggart, d328 is right. Concentrate getting through the remainder of your sim sessions. I do know that you will do IOE once your done down there. I don't expect this to last very long honestly. Hang in there man. When you get some time give me a call.

D328. Nice jesture for use of your crash pad for the furlughed guys and gals. I have heard that others around the system are also opening there crashpads up if the guys/gals need a place to stay for free.
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Thanks guys, we all appreciate the support and the offer of the crash pad. Our fingers are crossed and we are hopping for the best.

328dude I will give you call when I finish the check ride, by the way congrats on finishing upgrade training.
Its absolutely disgusting that there are so many Mainline and WO pilots and FAs who are either soon to be or already on the street while our flying is being outsourced. I do still belive however that the tables will turn in our favor in the future. Well at least I hope they do.

In the meantime those of us who are still here need to, starting today, lay off the Open Time! Don't you dare pick up a single trip unless its to swap what you already have for something more commutable, and there's no increased flying on your part. Its not the surefire way of getting our brothers and sisters back, but it can't hurt either.

I don't have a crash pad to give to you guys but if I can be of help to a furloughed PSAer just PM me.

Take Care,


Below is a link to a jingle from the original PSA that I thought might bring just a little bit of smile for a minute or two.

Link 1. www.catchoursmile.com/CatchOurSmile1.wav
Link 2. www.catchoursmile.com/NotPaintOn.mp3
BoredToDeath said:
In the meantime those of us who are still here need to, starting today, lay off the Open Time! Don't you dare pick up a single trip unless its to swap what you already have for something more commutable, and there's no increased flying on your part. Its not the surefire way of getting our brothers and sisters back, but it can't hurt either.

Take Care,


Tell that to Dirty Boy

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