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PSA info

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Check out aviationinterviews.com for a gouge. But study other stuff. The HR lady said they just added 3 new tests. Know the history behind the company.

You'll probably be able to get whatever base you want, within a month or two. Starting May or June we are upgrading 12 FOs per month, and hiring 20 new FOs per month. This will drastically reduce time on reserve guessing a few months in DAY and TYS, and probably 6 months max in CLT. TYS is the junior FO base, followed by DAY and then CLT.

TYS has no hot reserve. DAY and CLT hot reserve is 10 hours, paid only per'diem. Regular reserve is 14 hours long, and you don't know what time you'll be on reserve until the day prior. (At the beginning of the month you know what DAYS you'll be on reserve, but not what times)

Most lines are 12 days off, for the month of April there was one line with 15 days off, the rest had between 10 & 14. 80% of the trips are 4 day trips. I think I saw one line in the whole system (TYS) that was all day trips. Rumor has it come 2008 Airways will have new scheduling software, allowing us better schedules. We pretty much have the worst reserve rules around.

Let me know if you have any questions, good luck.

I just saw how much time you have. Unless you're going to PSA because you live near a base, I'd be applying at a lot other places before PSA. (Skywest, Fractionals, maybe republic). Big sky is hiring street captains, and I hear Pinnacle may be also.
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PaulSalem, Thanks for the info I am currently @ PCL and can't wait to leave I live in CLT and I am staying in CLT at this point I need better family life and my wife will not cosider moveing I don't mind staying at a regional if I can make the QOL better.
PaulSalem, Thanks for the info I am currently @ PCL and can't wait to leave I live in CLT and I am staying in CLT at this point I need better family life and my wife will not cosider moveing I don't mind staying at a regional if I can make the QOL better.

I'm sure living in base will make life a lot better. But frankly our work rules, and schedules are pretty bad. I'd apply to FlexJet (I believe they have home basing).
I will say this: I left PSA after about 2 years(1 year ago). The culture there was very adversarial between sched., mgt, and the labor group. I'm not much of a conspiracy theorist, but it really seemed like they were trying to make things as miserable as possible at times. Un-commutable lines, early shows with late finishes. When I was there most of the lines in my base were 11 off. Scheduling was under orders not to discuss open time with pilots so you could not modify your schedule at all, and even if there were trips to trade with they would never do it for you. There's just no reason for that.

I don't know what the story is with upgrades right now, but I'd be surprised to see it happen at the rate mentioned above. I do believe that they are hiring due to attrition at the bottom of the list, so I would expect some movement, but only toward a better FO line(at best). There was hiring behind me when I was there, but no forward progress for me. I will believe consistent upgrades when I see it. I was hired when they were making some pretty grand predictions that never came to fruition. Also, it seems that recently they were claiming 1 year upgrades in interviews. I read that here a couple of months ago, and there's no way it could have been true. And I was recently(a week ago) told that there were more CEL guys from PDT ready to take whatever upgrades came available. I seem to remember a number like 30. Could be wrong.

It was said above: If you've got that kind of time and even time in CL-65 I would look somewhere else than the regionals. Majors are hiring with your time. I have a friend that just turned down a Delta interview with about your time and NO jet PIC time. maybe 100 in jet at all. He knew someone, but hey, it happened just the same. The time is coming where people will begin to look beyond the regionals so if you've got the experience look to the majors if the airlines are your goal.

I was in 700 differences training and TK came in and spoke to the class. He was who I got the info about upgrades and hiring from. The HR lady also mentioned they were ramping up for hiring. They were also doing interviews for Check Airmen.

They put out a bid for 40 J4Js and no one accepted. So hopefully no more will be comming.
Respectfully: You believe TK? Most of the bum information I got while I was there came directly from him or JR. While they were standing right in front of me.
Respectfully: You believe TK? Most of the bum information I got while I was there came directly from him or JR. While they were standing right in front of me.

Based on shortage, I believe that upgrades will continue for a while.

But to Casper, I'd come to PSA as the last resort with his amount of flight time.

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