I just received an application packet from PSA. Its been so long since I applied, I can't even remeber doing it. Its the first break I have had in a while. While I make really good money where I work, I've reached burnout stage and am so desperate to get out, I've been willing to take the $35000 paycut for the monetary gains in 5 - 7 years. I'm just so wore out, I have even considered Commutair.
Is PSA worth getting on with? Should I even waste my time completing the application? Any interview tips if I do get invited?
Any advice from people who are "in the know" will really be apppreciated.
Is PSA worth getting on with? Should I even waste my time completing the application? Any interview tips if I do get invited?
Any advice from people who are "in the know" will really be apppreciated.