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Pratt & Whit. diagrams/info

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Well-known member
Jun 24, 2004
Do any of you guys know where is a good place to look and/or obtain engine specific diagrams, reading material, etc on a particular PW engine (PW120A, 123, 123C)? I;ve been searching the web but am coming up fruitless. The materials the company gives us are worthless, one paragraph, text descriptions. It pretty much just lets us know we have engines hanging out there, not a lot more.
To which pratt engine are you referring?

Visit the mx dept for your operator and ask to make some copies...they'll probably oblige.

I have a lot of material on PDF from the mx manuals, but I have no idea how to export it.

As your operator for a copy of a disc with the info. Regular discs are issued...get an older one and view it on your own computer.

Unless of course they're still using fische...

Thanks for the suggestion avbug. I'm not based in a mx base nor do I ever really frequent one, so my chance of running into mx guys is slim. Looking for PW120a, 123, 123c series. About getting their stuff on disc, its a challenge enough just to get normal jepp's from our pub's, let alone odd ball info from another dept.
Okay, hundred series pratts. I don't know how to get information to you form my computer, but again, your maintenance department will be your best bet.

I've always procured the maintenance publications for each aircraft I've flown, no matter how big or small. Much of what's found in pilot manuals is watered down and idiot information...just enough to get you by. If you want to know about the airplane, then the maintenance publications are what you need.

Call a department directly, or call your company operations and ask for a handoff. This isn't a current pub, it's a throw-away item. My former collectino of pratt informationw was on microfische, and I have limited stuff now. However, your company maintenance will keep up to date with regular disc updates. The old discs are often thrown out, and if you can get hold of one, or download it to your computer, then you have something to study.

Personally, I don't like studying from a computer. Where ever I can, I always get the manuals themselves. You can even get them from ebay...or contact companies like Essco that sell the manuals or copies of them. I can't study without highlighting, making notes, crossreferences, etc. I need the manual in hand...get the pubs for your aircraft for a better understanding not only on the engines, but all aircraft systems.

Most all pratt turboprops are similiar. If you can't get one for the century series, then get one for precentury...you'll get the idea.

You could always order the materials direct from pratt, if you like...but that's expensive. Plan on between eight hundred and twenty five hundred, depending on how much you need.

i'm the same way about reading stuff on computers, its just not the same. And ordering direct from pratt is out of my price range it seems. I guess i dont need the stuff that bad, but nevertheless would still like to have it around.
I've worked on a fleet of 50 Dash 8 -102 series for 7 years. The last position I held was engine program manager. We had the PW120A series engs and used the Pratt ECTM program and were under the eagle service plan (ESP).

Manuals were purchased from Pratt through the company.

Is there anything specific you are looking for?
avbug said:
To which pratt engine are you referring?

Visit the mx dept for your operator and ask to make some copies...they'll probably oblige.

I have a lot of material on PDF from the mx manuals, but I have no idea how to export it.

As your operator for a copy of a disc with the info. Regular discs are issued...get an older one and view it on your own computer.

Unless of course they're still using fische...

Depending on what version of Adobe Acrobat you are using you should be able to right click on the image and copy it that way. If not send me a few pages of the file and I will see if I can get them out. There are several ways to extract the images.

not really looking for anything particular, just more in-depth info than the company provided us with. cutaway's, more detailed info on the engines themselves, etc.
I have of 1900 C experience as well. Worked on those exclusively for 7 years until we got rid of them and switched over to the Dash 8. I'll see what sort of general info I can get you on the PW 120. U have an e-mail??

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