Where can I read more about Polar Air during its initial year. Specifically, was it founded by an individual or a group of individuals? Founded in the US or in Europe?
Did Polar start services first or Atlas?
I believe that Polar started as a sub of Southern Air Cargo and the driving force was Ned Wallace who for many years held a senior sales position with Flying Tigers. His relationships were to be used to get business and Southern needed to do something besides fly C130's around for the government.
I also think they started around the same time. There were 747's available-- Atlas started because Chowdry could not find customers to lease his--- and people needed to get them employed.
Don't know about the Sothern Air Subsidiary part, but I do know that Polar was founded by two Ex-Flying Tiger Pilots, and Ned Wallace was one of them. They wanted to start under a "NEW" Flying Tigers company. But I heard Fred Smith (Fedex), who still owns rights to the name, wanted $20 million for the name. So the Polar name and logo was born. This is evident because some of Polars tail#'s end in "FT". Both Atlas and Polar started in 1993. (U.S.A.)
They used the Southern Air certificate as a base to start as they went ahead and got their own. Wallace was the guy who really marketed the company (tigers) and set up many of the relationships.
Fedex sort of pissed many people off in the heavy freight business when they took over Tigers. Their interest was the rights to China as much as anything.
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