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Piston Twin 135 Salary

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Shamus said:
Wish I could help, most places in S. FL pay by the hour, and some by the mile. Usually $20 per hour or 16 cents per mile, but that's S. FL

That sucks, I made $33/hr six years ago out of FLL on a C402.
IHateMgmt said:
Wow... those are some real words of wisdom, FN FAL. Fly for free? Overbid with 28-45? I can tell what your concept of worth is. BTW, the guy who has to fill your shoes will hate you as you have lowered the bar to rock bottom.

Nope, nope and nope. I made 32K the first year of flying piston twins in 135. By my second year I was at 38K. That isn't lowering the bar for 1999 wages in flying. As for filling shoes, keep dreaming guppy boy, you'll need a little bit more "experience" building before you can even sniff them shoes. Besides, the plane I fly doesn't have room for you to get into fetal position during winter operations, so I don't think you'd fit in around here.
Knowing your style, I figured you'd stoop to slams or name calling... very professional, Mr. Experience. Listen, I know that I'm not the best or most qualified pilot out there but guess what, your 7,000+ hours does not make you an aviation god... so get over yourself. You also should take the time to reread my previous post. You'll find that I was not so concerned about your actions; it was your advice that I thought was out of line and bar lowering.
FN FAL, are you the real FN FAL's younger sibling trying to be funny by any chance? If so, log off and go do your homewor- oh wait, school's out! Go outside and play! What, were we born yesterday?

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