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Well-known member
Mar 19, 2002
Hey guys and gals, well once again I have to ask the questions about Pinnacle!!! Whats going on with them. I got that card in the mail saying that they received my info and will be contacted if I meet the mins. After people got that card how long did they have till they heard. Thanks!!! CYA
If you don't already hold a class date don't expect anything before feb-mar. When hiring does resume all of our new hire classes are to be filled with 75% mainline NW furloughee's. To sum it up....don't hold your breath.
The 5 per month limit is for the NW guys to return to NW, when they start recalling. They must also stay a minimum of 18 mos. at Pinnacle.
That's a good question. According to HR only 18 of the hundreds of furloughed mainline pilots have expressed any interest so far. I doubt that the 75% figure will hold up after Feb or March.
"expressed interest", but have any actually applied?

Maybe HR and your MEC should seriously consider picking up some of our 40 Mesaba soon-to-furloughed FOs (that want to stay in the NWA system and even their domicile MSP, DTW, MEM) ....... I'm sure the NWA mainline guys on furlough would rather pursue other venues and/or have spouses that can support them. How many would actually want to go back to reserve, 10 days off? 19-20 bucks an hour....
Who knows. I agree the MEC's, at least should be talking about resurrecting LOA 21. I doubt any XJ captains would want to come over but maybe some FO's would.

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