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Pinnacle Info

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New member
Oct 28, 2002
Hey Folks!

I'm on furlough with an upcoming interview with Pinnacle. I can't find any gouge on the interview at aviationinterviews.com. Any info would be great. Thanks!
Just be yourself and don't try to snow H.R.
You'll more than likely be interviewing with Stephanie or Kim M. And they're pretty good judges of character. I think they're still giving a pilot knowledge test but not too sure about that. No sim ride so you're just gonna have to wait to show how much of a stud you are until sim training starts. Just you're typical H.R. questions and I believe you might get a chance to talk to the chief pilot.

Good luck

600' AGL Autopilot on.
Look up under our "old" name...
Express I

there are several gouges and some are quite recent...


Written test, 50 Q's ATP style
1st interview... Board type with 3-4 Captains and either Steph or Kim
2nd Interview with CP and Asst. CP and that is more of a "get to know you"
Rook is on the money.. be yourself because they are hiring more on a "fit" then on your ability, background, flight time, or any other factor...

Good luck...
If you really want the job try not to act to intelectual or demonstrate any leadership qualities. They like to bring on the type of people that quietly come to work, turn their flights, then go home ignorant to all of the contractual viloations that the company just perpetrated. They are deathly afraid of hiring anyone that may become a strong union leader.

I'm not sure if they still into this practice but several years ago they would pretty much decide who they would hire on the score of their 50 question Commercial written test. If applicants scored less than 70% they were ruled out because they weren't smart enough. If the applicant scored over 80% they were pretty much ruled out because they were to smart. Nobody I have ever asked around here has scored outside of that 70-80% range. I don't think its a coincidence.
When you go in for the interview, try not to succomb to all the crap they will feed you. Just let them flip you over and give it to you dry - it's standard procedure on a daily basis here.
I second it!!!

I 100% agree with "forgedblade"...

You will hear stuff that basically does not exist.

I have a friend who was interviewed in June.. At that time they lead him with a line of crap about how many aircraft we have... Anyway, the number THEY told him we still DO NOT have...

Our HR/Interview people are by far the BEST salespeople in the industry... Just remeber it is a game and unfortunatley you "may" lose...

Just curious as to where you are furloughed from. I am going to guess NWA. I spoke with a UAL furloughed guy that went to the Air inc, in DC. He told me that they did not seem intrested in furloughees other than NWA, since they have a new program set up for NWA furloghees. My buddy is flying a GIV in the naval reserves, but it he has no faith as to ever being recalled at UAL and is setting his sights on Jet Blue as he is from NY.

So I would appreciate any info on your situation so I can pass it along.

Forged blade has a point. Once you get past the smoke and mirrors it's a job. And if you want the job. Show them you want the job. I'm glad to be here but I'm not a rah rah guy about airlink. Just glad to be able to get a paycheck. (Even though it's usually incorrect but out payroll dept is the best in the industry right?) If you want to be part of a growing company then we'd love to have you. But try to wait until you're off probation to start complaining. That's what I did.

600' AGL Autopilot on.
I'm an ex-linker, or pinnacle pitiful pilot, or whatever they are called now. I have to say, honestly, that going to that company, even in today's economic market and pilot surplus, is ludicrious. The company treats pilots VERY poorly, the contract is VERY weak, and upgrade will take a longer time than they will tell you in the interview. DO NOT listen to their estimates on upgrade at the interview. You will get a better idea of what it is like here on this board than from K.M. or S.G. or any captain they happen to bring in to do the interview. There are some pretty nice guys there, it's a shame really. The good news is that there are some fairly vocal individuals that are trying to boost up the union and get it more active, but for the most part, most pilots are sitting quietly waiting for the contract to expire so they can go on strike. I think it's going to be a bloody war in 2005. They don't take care of you at all there, once you pass the ride you go on the payroll for about 1300 a month, and expect to sit reserve for awhile in DTW or MSP. It's a brutal medieval version of most commuters, using the same principles that many air carriers did away with years ago (i.e., continuous duty overnights, no duty rig, no trip rig, delays in posting the bid packages so that you can't plan your life, etc.) and the only thing you get is a nice glass cockpit and if you are a lineholder about 75 hours a month. Good luck. If I had to do it again I wouldn't.

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