Here's the simple answer.
There is not and there will never be a pilot shortage for good jobs in the USA. For every good job that offers good pay and good QOL there are 100 or more bad jobs. That means that there are 100 or more applicants for every good job. UPS, FedEX, SWA, NetJets and other high quality airline and corporate operators will always have a huge surplus of applicants. Don't believe me? Try being out of work with qualifications far in excess of what most places are hiring and see how many employers you hear back from when you start applying for jobs. If you are lucky you will get an automated E-mail message back after you apply. At most places you won't even get that much.
The USA could stop training new pilots entirely for 5 years or more and the good employers would never even notice the difference. Maybe if you are MESA airlines and you are looking for FO's to work for 20K/year you may think that there's a shortage. It's a great time for young pilots with no experience to get started in entry level positions with low pay and undesirable QOL but the good employers are still flooded with applicants. The number of entry level jobs at the bottom of the industry has increased dramatically but the number of good jobs at the top never increases. I just looked at the XOJet posts and could not believe the number of applicants they have for a small number of jobs. Keep in mind that these are jobs where you are away from home a minimum of 8 days in a row.
There's no shortage of pilots, there's only a shortage of good flying jobs.
There is not and there will never be a pilot shortage for good jobs in the USA. For every good job that offers good pay and good QOL there are 100 or more bad jobs. That means that there are 100 or more applicants for every good job. UPS, FedEX, SWA, NetJets and other high quality airline and corporate operators will always have a huge surplus of applicants. Don't believe me? Try being out of work with qualifications far in excess of what most places are hiring and see how many employers you hear back from when you start applying for jobs. If you are lucky you will get an automated E-mail message back after you apply. At most places you won't even get that much.
The USA could stop training new pilots entirely for 5 years or more and the good employers would never even notice the difference. Maybe if you are MESA airlines and you are looking for FO's to work for 20K/year you may think that there's a shortage. It's a great time for young pilots with no experience to get started in entry level positions with low pay and undesirable QOL but the good employers are still flooded with applicants. The number of entry level jobs at the bottom of the industry has increased dramatically but the number of good jobs at the top never increases. I just looked at the XOJet posts and could not believe the number of applicants they have for a small number of jobs. Keep in mind that these are jobs where you are away from home a minimum of 8 days in a row.
There's no shortage of pilots, there's only a shortage of good flying jobs.