I know US Airways is Chap11 again, how does this affect Piedmont...They still continue to hire new pilots...does anyone think something bad is going to happen to Piedmont pilots?
I think CommutAir is already negotiating with them to buy their Dash 8's. Looks like they'll be going under soon. Anyone working there should probably leave now.
Not sure how many(if any) -100's they have left but I know for a fact they have -200s, and -300s....we had all -100's at Allegheny so whatever planes they're still flying from the ALG merger would be -100's.
Yes, all three versions. The -200's are in good shape, but also leased. So are the -300's, but there are one or two beaters in the fleet. We also have a couple of good -100's, but most are very tired.
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