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PIC time

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Well-known member
Oct 20, 2004
So i recently started flying a tail wheel AC. I am not checked out to fly on my own yet so can I log pic time or do I need the one time endorsement?
captdorn81 said:
So i recently started flying a tail wheel AC. I am not checked out to fly on my own yet so can I log pic time or do I need the one time endorsement?

The answer hinges on these two simple statements. They are treated as separate issues by the FARs.

1) You may log as PIC time any time spent as sole manipulator of the controls in any aircraft for which you hold a category, class and type (if applicable) rating. Refer to FAR 61.51(e).

2) You must have a tailwheel endorsement or be "grandfathered" in order to act as PIC of such an aircraft. Refer to FAR 61.31(h)(2)(i)


If you are headed toward a career as a pilot, be aware that some potential employers (mostly airlines) choose to count PIC time differently. They only count PIC time spent while acting as the PIC, (Part 1 definition) irrespective of 61.51. For this reason, it may be a worthwhile effort to track both kinds of PIC time separately.

Part 1.1 definition of pilot in command:

Pilot in command means the person who:
(1) Has final authority and responsibility for the operation and safety of the flight;
(2) Has been designated as pilot in command before or during the flight; and
(3) Holds the appropriate category, class, and type rating, if appropriate, for the conduct of the flight.


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