I'm thinking about going to phoenix east. People who didn't go, can you tell me why you decided to not go there. People who did go there, can you tell me why you chose phoenix east?
1.) Civil Air Patrol---- For private pilot
2.) Embry Riddle---- For Instrument, Commercial and now a multi student
3.) Phoenix---- For my CFII initial, unsure if I will be back for my CFI-A
I have rented from several FBOs as well
I can offer the following input. Coming to Phoenix east from the maintanance mecca that is Riddle is a shock. Things that would normally ground an aircraft at Riddle is not grounded at phoenix east. Couple examples; non functional dg, non functional aux fuel pump, missing teathers that link the elevator to the horiz stab. Also the Frasca 141 there broke down like 4 or 5 times in one session, that was really annoying. There is a real lack of space to conduct adaquate ground instruction. It is really distracting to have about 10-15 people in the same room. So to summarize, its cheaper, its less anal and thats good and bad. At Riddle you have to follow so many innane safety rules, can't wear pants in the dead of summer and well if you want an idea I can send you a copy of the flight operations manual thats about 200 pages long.
My instructor was fine, she was proficient although promises of a lot of individual attention dwindled as she took on additional students. Also her safety conscience took a dive just becuase of where she worked.
Phoenix east has its plusses and its minuses, obviously if money is no factor I would check some other place out. And the whole glass cockpit trainign simulator is really stupid, I walked in thinking it was going to look real professional and its pretty much a generic non type specific cockpit hooked up to MS flight sim 2002.
My best advice to you is to go there, tour it, and tour a bunch of other places, don't let anyone hook you with promises of jobs etc, remember that the admissions people are salespeople selling a product and that half of what they say is probably complete bs. The best thing you can do is go on other boards and ask these same types of questions.
Anal and Riddle, two words that naturally come together in a sentence. I remember once a Riddle CFI wanted to ground a 172 because one of the position lights were burned out.
Shesh he could at least went to the mx hanger first, I as the observer walked over there talked to one of the mx guys asked if he could take a moment and replace the bulb.
Well this is about Phoenix East so, from what I have heard Phoenix East as a flight school isn't that bad, instruction is descent, and so are the planes. If you can head down to EVB, Epic Aviation is pretty good down there (flown with them).
Also Cloud Dancer is pretty good. But avoid Phil Air at all costs.
Phil Scare... I believe they went out of business.
Epic has great planes and a great small feel to it, the only reason I didn't go there was that I was going to my CFII part 61 and the guy wanted to charge me a lot more for it. At phoenix I got away for a lot less doing it part 61.
More Riddle Rants
Yeah Riddle and Anal.... lets see oh yeah now they have the big brother system. Some new management system where if anyone wants to know anything about you as a student or flight instructor they can know, I'm not sure how it works but at least you don't have to deal with that angry black man Horace as much.
Another really anal thing with riddle is that they have a flight supervisor who has to approve solo cross countries. So they look at the TAFs and just because the TAFs say something spooky they won't let you go.
IAC used to be a good place in DAB, I think they recently changed their name, but back a few years ago it was one of the better schools on the field. P.E. may have changed in the past years (sure hope so) but back when I was in DAB man did their airplanes SMELL bad inside.
"DeLand approaching control, I am von von eight all-fa tahngo for landing please....."
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