Anybody who went through past bankruptcies at other carriers care to share how much their take-home pay was cut?
At UAL it was 40-something% off the top of my head. Then add the work rules, loss of pension, etc., to that.
In my opinion, I don't think the American guys are going to take that big a hit in pay. Back when we went through bankruptcy, there was a huge disparity between United's (for example) pay, work rules, and retirement vs. the low cost carriers (SWA, JetBlue, Valujet, Frontier, etc.) that dragged us down. And our management referred to their low wages, crappy work rules, and lack of retirement as a reason for needing to "modify" our contract frequently during the bankruptcy process.
I think with American, as their management looks around the industry, they're going to see some disparity, but certainly not to the extent it was almost a decade ago. Something bad is likely to happen to their pensions. They will likely take a hit in work rules where you'll get the crappy LCC work rules we're all stuck with, and your pay will take some sort of hit, but I would bet money nowhere need the 40%+ hits we took. Loss of scope is what would scare me the most.
Good luck.