The mock FA announce is every bit a joke or hyperbole as Jim's "puke in the bag".
I do it once with newbies (PPL) so they get the message. The DE I send people to will evaluate that the candidate gives the briefing as per the FAR's. With Comm candidates, one of his favorite oral questions is what is "required" to be briefed to pax?
You want a tough call - A DE gets in the plane with a Comm candidate and sits on the seat belt. The PIC says "Sir you must fasten your seat belt. Are you familiar with the operation of the belt? " The DE says, "I'm familiar and I don't want to wear one". The Comm guy says, " but you have to, it says so in the regs". The DE says "No - let's go!" This was a test that a DE friend of mine tried on a Comm student I sent to him. The DE says that the Comm guy should have taxiied out for takeoff, the Comm guy says he didn't move because even though legal for the brief, he thought it would be "careless and reckless" to taxi knowing that the seat belt is clanking on the seat frame. So what are you going to teach your students? Here come the lawyers again!
As to passengers and other folks in the other seats in the plane, what do you have to think about:
91.11 - Interference
91.21(a)(2) - Electronic devices
91.105 - Crewmembers at station
91.107 - Safety Belts
91.205 - Equipment requirements
91.211 - Oxygen
So Jim, you have a very good VFR brief! If IFR, all you gotta add is "Shut off the Phone"!
I do it once with newbies (PPL) so they get the message. The DE I send people to will evaluate that the candidate gives the briefing as per the FAR's. With Comm candidates, one of his favorite oral questions is what is "required" to be briefed to pax?
You want a tough call - A DE gets in the plane with a Comm candidate and sits on the seat belt. The PIC says "Sir you must fasten your seat belt. Are you familiar with the operation of the belt? " The DE says, "I'm familiar and I don't want to wear one". The Comm guy says, " but you have to, it says so in the regs". The DE says "No - let's go!" This was a test that a DE friend of mine tried on a Comm student I sent to him. The DE says that the Comm guy should have taxiied out for takeoff, the Comm guy says he didn't move because even though legal for the brief, he thought it would be "careless and reckless" to taxi knowing that the seat belt is clanking on the seat frame. So what are you going to teach your students? Here come the lawyers again!
As to passengers and other folks in the other seats in the plane, what do you have to think about:
91.11 - Interference
91.21(a)(2) - Electronic devices
91.105 - Crewmembers at station
91.107 - Safety Belts
91.205 - Equipment requirements
91.211 - Oxygen
So Jim, you have a very good VFR brief! If IFR, all you gotta add is "Shut off the Phone"!