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Pan Am

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Oct 7, 2002
The whole management dept.are afraid of D.Fink. He has the finall say and they are just trying to save there own asses . What mechanics and pilots that are left are looking to get out. He hates the workers and thinks we should be lucky to be employed. He has taken everything that could posibley be taken and just doesnt care. Anybody that would even consider working for Pan Am, whether pilots, mechanics, or office personell should consider MacDonalds first. This is the truth! Excuse the spelling.
Dude, we get the picture. Let it go.

Most of the folks reading this know what a hosing the people at PA/BMA are getting, but they are not alone in today's economy.

Believe it or not, there may be people reading this who can help you in your career, so that your expereince with Pan Am can become a fuzzy, if unpleasant, memory.

Unfortunately, you are coming across as the kind of person to show up at a former place of employment with a firearm and a grudge. Thats not the kind of impression you should be making.

Go have a beer, laugh about the jerks who screwed you and move on. It'll get better, hang in there and lighten up.

Good luck!

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