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Origin of Republic?

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May 26, 2003
Could someone please give me an "objective" understanding of the origin of republic. I have never had anyone just explain it to me and have formulated my own idea based upon message board threads (which we all know are always accurate ;) )

My best guess on the relationship is that in turn for US Air consideration, Republic Holdings had to committ to J4Js. I don't see how anybody would think that this could be done without a union (especially after freedom), so my only guess as to why a seperate airline is avoiding a seniority list battle with a contract being negotiated.

I am sure this is a very limited view, but it is all I have right now. Once again I have read the conspiracy theories, but I doubt Bryan Bedford wants to run his baby (CHQ) into the ground for a 23 plane US Air feeder, so there has to be some middle ground out there that is closer to the truth.

Question is...what is that truth?
First off Chautauqua is not BB's baby it is his suragate mother.

BB is CEO and chairman of the board for Republic Airways Holdings not Chautauqua. The Holding company also owns Shuttle America and if he has his way Republic Airlines.

Things are hapening to fast for all of the details, but believe me BB could care less about you me or CHAUTAUQUA.
CHQNewHire said:
Could someone please give me an "objective" understanding of the origin of republic...Question is...what is that truth?

My understanding of the situation is that the US Airways MEC via ALPA wanted Chautauqua to accept their Jets for Jobs proposal. In order to continue the code share aggreement with US Airways, it would have given US Airways furloughees super senoirity at Chautauqua. The Chautauqua pilots, not wanting to get displaced out of their own seats by mainline furloughees, voted it down.

Management, seeing an opportunity for growth with US Airways, immediately stood up Republic specifically to accomodate Jets for Jobs. If I'm not mistaken, Chautauqua was in contract negotitions at the time. The Chautauqua pilots capitulated and now the US Airways MEC is saying there is no need for Republic.

I think it can be said that ALPA is complicit with management in whipsawing the Chautauqua pilots with the creation of this alter ego.

Since you're a new pilot with them, ask your Captains to discuss it with you on those two hour legs and see if I got it right.
Re: Re: Origin of Republic?

N2264J said:

I think it can be said that ALPA is complicit with management in whipsawing the Chautauqua pilots with the creation of this alter ego.

You've answered the question in that sentence, but for me your phraseology is far to generous.

The origin of Republic = ALPA policy. The background would require a thesis on intrigue, coercion and skulduggery .... all at the hand of "the pilots' union".
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Rep. was created just like Midway became a U carrier. When J4J first reared its ugly head everybody (WO and contractors) turned it down. With no takers the mainline MEC pricks and mainline were dead in the water, so somebody with group saw Midway or Midway came to them. The Midway guys that were working at the time (737 re-restart operation) had basically no say in what went on so now the Mainline MEC dickheads and management had their wedge. If nobody else agreed all the jets would have wound up at Midway amd MDA.

BTW, Chit Taco guys, whats up with the RP N-number on the blue tail unijet? Is it some kind of management threat ? I remember when PDT got the 300's some had N-numbers that ended in DC right at the same time U management was hanging the DC Air thing over our heads.

Speaking of DC Air does anyone have a link to the pic that was floating around the net of the DC AIR paint job with the booty on the tail? Thanks
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