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Options pilot conf

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Dec 5, 2001
Mr. Nahills message sounded positive. I kinda liked the part about we are no longer ex-RTA or original FLOPS pilots. we are LLC. so lets begin on that note. As he said, some things will change but not all at once. Remember he's only been there two weeks. Rebuttal??
Reminds me of the "magic pixie dust" commercial. The problem with Flight Options is they are losing money due to the deals the current owners received. There is no short term solution to this and there is no "magic pixie dust". Raytheon will have to make a long term commitment to spend many millions of dollars to turn this one around.
Hey guys,

I missed the meeting. I dialed in about an hour too late yesterday. I'll try to dial in on tomorrow's meeting if I'm not gone. What did I miss? Anything important or newsworthy? If you'd rather PM me instead of making it all public knowledge, please do that. It would probably be best.

I like the fact that Nahill is saying we are all Options pilots, not ex-RTA or ex-Options, etc. I'm a new-hire and I'm anxious about the future here, but "can't we all just get along?" Plus, can't we be happy that we have a job, unlike too many of our counterparts?

Hey now.

If you want to keep it in the company, don't post it here, do it on the FLOPS site. In other words, spill the beans. There are people here who don't have the details and are inflicted with chronic curiousity.

Don't be a tease now.
u can dial into the conference if you were just listening to lastweeks info message. He gave out the extension and how to log in.

Bored in the hotel i had to do something.....
pilot conf.

Hopefully tomorrows phone conf. will allow more questions to be answered. one particular gent got long winded on the crew meal genre. and the apples to oranges policies.
It's sad but the people at best buy were starting to give me the evil eye. You can only stand there for so long and play video games before they want you to move on.

Day 4 in the hotel yippppppeeee.

u can dial into the conference if you were just listening to lastweeks info message. He gave out the extension and how to log in.

Bored in the hotel i had to do something.....

You must be bored a lot. You always seem to have listened to our announcements. Maybe we should just get you a voice mailbox too so you can hear all the other messages.

We don't need a bunch of boneheads like you logging in to the company meetings and possibly clogging the lines not allowing people that actually have a reason to be calling in to get through. Why do you always have to spout off when it doesn't concern you?

You and some of the others that post here that claim to be NJA pilots must be the minority of the pilot group, because every NJA crew I run into on the road are very professional. Then again, you guys are probably just much braver when sitting in front of a computer.
Why is it a big deal that I listen to the weekly announcments? They are public knowledge. It's not like they are password protected.

The sad part is I listen to them because I learn more information about my own company than anything else. NJ keeps us in the dark.

Why is information a bad thing? If your so worried about what is said make it pasword protected. I'm using all the information available to make an informed descion. Rather than spouting off about something I might have "heard".

With this buisness changing every day It's good to get as much information to paint some sort of picture.

Oh yes and I am bored..... I would pump fuel in LEW but I think PBI would be better for my skin. Of course they don't have a restaurant on the field. mmmmmm

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