Ok, I meet and exceed all of the Flight Options requirements for hire except I have no turbine time. Anyone on this board know where I can find such time in the L.A. area or anywhere else for that matter?
Why don't you try Ameriflight in Burbank or Oakland? Within a year you would probably be in a turbine, that is if you are willing to put up with 135 cargo ops. Phoenix is not a bad base either, lot's of equipment. It's not the best job, but it sure beats instructing all the time.
"Moma always told me liife was like a bock...s of chock......olates, you neva know wat you gonna geut."
Hey, I don't mean to be a party crasher, but I wanted to let you know that the last time I'd talked to folks at Options, you weren't even going to get winked at for having less than 3000 hours and sizable turbine experience. I had my stuff walked in to the chief pilot around 2000TT, 500ME, 150 Turbine, and I'm typed in the BE400, and the chief pilot said they weren't even considering someone with less than 3000 hours, walked in or not.
I'm not trying to rain on your parade, but I would hate to see you go out and buy 100 hours of turbine or move clear across the country to get such experience at a job only to find out that it's not realistic to get hired with that level of experience.
That said, I certainly hope I'm wrong! Good luck in getting to some heavier iron!
Not so fast Strikefinder. I got in with 2100 and there were plenty of guys and gals in my class with less than 3000. One guy didn't have his ATP yet. He got that when he went to school on the King Air. Maybe things have changed but I have only been here for three months.
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