Under operations specification C77, a turbojet must always file an IFR flight plan, but there are also provisions for terminal VFR. Here's the situation.
Can I fly to T77, Presidio, Tx, when you can see from Oklahoma City to Mexico City, cancel IFR and proceed VFR in the terminal area?
This airport has no weather reporting, no FBO,no instrument approach, and you lose radar contact at 13,000'msl.
Also, under C77, if you fly at night to an uncontrolled field and the center loses radar contact at 5,000' msl, can you legally go VFR in the terminal area if there is no one to provide traffic advisories? This comes under the 'no radio facility' part of C77.
Can I fly to T77, Presidio, Tx, when you can see from Oklahoma City to Mexico City, cancel IFR and proceed VFR in the terminal area?
This airport has no weather reporting, no FBO,no instrument approach, and you lose radar contact at 13,000'msl.
Also, under C77, if you fly at night to an uncontrolled field and the center loses radar contact at 5,000' msl, can you legally go VFR in the terminal area if there is no one to provide traffic advisories? This comes under the 'no radio facility' part of C77.