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Average Joe
Mar 14, 2005
Looking for some opinions on career paths. If given the chance to make 36-40K a year fly as a crew in a King Air 200 and 90... or make 32-36K and fly single pilot in a king air 200 and 90 for larger charter department and have a easy schedule, which one would you choose?

My current operation is air ambulance work with 45min callout, the thought of having 2hours callout and no midnight or 3am wakeup calls seems nice. Just looking for some advice, I hate to take a paycut.
QOL of life vs. pay....your decision

However guaranteed PIC time (that single pilot king air gig) plus having a good QOL for only 4 grand less a year isn't a bad thing!
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Yeah, I'd probably go for the PIC time. The pay isn't too much lower- won't notice it quite as much in the paycheck, but you'll definitely notice the PIC vs SIC time in the logbook!
Parrot_Head_Fly said:
Looking for some opinions on career paths. If given the chance to make 36-40K a year fly as a crew in a King Air 200 and 90... or make 32-36K and fly single pilot in a king air 200 and 90 for larger charter department and have a easy schedule, which one would you choose?

My current operation is air ambulance work with 45min callout, the thought of having 2hours callout and no midnight or 3am wakeup calls seems nice. Just looking for some advice, I hate to take a paycut.

Unfortunately, King Airs are like Learjets. You will still see 3AM callouts and ASAP departures. But not to the degree as Air Ambulance. Another plus is that you would have to help load 500 pound 'ski-mo's' into the aircraft.
Single PIC for a few thousand less sounds better to me. It's better in the logn run.Although does "easy schedule" translate to a lot less flying hours? And whats the upgrade on the crew position.
Yeah its a tough one, The PIC vs SIC is a no brainer and its better for future advancement. I just needed a swift kick in the A$$. Thanks.
pic and better quality of life are always better. The pay cut doesnt look all that bad either, how soon before a raise is possible??
Yeah, PIC vs. SIC is a no brainer. But, if you are only going to get 200 hours PIC per year, then it might not be that great. 1000 hours SIC might be better in the long run. Find out all the details before you jump.

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