I worked at Omni for 6 years, I was one of the originals and most of the time it sucked but there were times I liked it. Don't know if they still do it but they used to have two months schedules and you could end up on the road for up to 6 weeks. Yep, it happened to me on several occasions. They would build a 4-5 day pad in between the months and when you are in Frankfurt or where-ever they would invoke a rule that said they could extend your stay up to four days and they do that and now you only have 1-2 days to go home and then back on the road again but then they "ask" you to stay those days where you are and pay you overtime. The "asking" part is what kills me....if you don't agree they tend to make your life miserable. Typical schedulers, you do them a favor they don't remember. The ex chief pilot was a total ***********************************. He fired a lot of guys for made up reasons. If he didn't like you, he got HR to build a case and dream up a reason. Last I heard he was flying the tanker at Omni and got tangled up with some trees. Don't know what kind of damage it did to the airplane but I hope they yanked his license. The rest of the guys I worked with were ok, the new chief pilot is a great guy and the program manager on the 10's is awesome. They're attitude for training is ex-militaristic. Most of the instructors are ex military and some of the sim instructors set you up to fail. They take no prisoners. One of the fo's I knew there just quit there last summer and had been filling me up on some of the latest. If it were me, I wouldn't work there and though Buckwheat hinted at offering me my old job back, I wouldn't take it. Yep, Pollard is an ex-World manager and while we tried to get a union in the old days and beg for a payraise, he was out buying his brand new Beach Bonanza. Most of the guys who were working for getting the union are now long gone as most of us believed they were given an ultimatum. Sorry for being so long winded but again, I wouldn't go to Omni unless you want to be used and abused and union or not, they won't budge. Good luck.