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NUTJets Contract Update

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pilotyip said:
I thought a 5th year Capt. on the present contract could make around $75K, live just about any place he wanted to, fly neat equipment, all day time. I know quite a few guys who work there, yea they would like more money, but they are pretty happy with their job. Does not sound too bad to me. If I were 20 years younger I would be beating on their door. Remember if you fly because you like it you will not be disappointed, if you are in it for the money, you might be disappointed.

You are wrong... I am a 5th year CPT. My base pay is under 61K. We can't live just about any place... lots of places but not ANY. And flying neat equipment doesn't pay the mortgage or insurance or car payments or college bills. I like flying for a living, but I want to be paid according to the job I do.
It's your type of attitude that keeps our pay low. It will be people like you who will vote in a substandard payscale because they "just love to fly." If you haven't noticed, this isnt' a hobby for most of us, it's a career. If you want to fly for fun, rent a 172.

Do not blame people like pilotyip for your unions' inability to negotiate a deal. Why did YOU want a job at netjets if the pay was substandard? You are a victim of your own demise. You want to be paid according to the job you do? Sounds like you're not doing a very good job...

And, if I wanted to fly for fun I would fly a kite, not a 172.
"Lets look at NJA's current contract:
Started: $27,000 / Year
Currently 5th Year Cpt Pay: $61,000 / Year
Equivalent: 225% increase in pay over the life of the contract.
Hope everyone reads the next one closely if they are going to play # games."

Are you smoking low grade crack niteflyer ??? You are a MENTAL GIANT - NOT ! I think 99% of the population would LOVE to play # games with you....LOLOL. Maybe you should understand what the **** you are talking about before opening your silly piehole !
"Well Mr. Niteflyer, sorry to burst your bubble, but all you have to do is review the recent SWA flight attendant contract to see that THEY have achieved a 110% improvement on their contract over the life of it....NEXT !!!!!!"

This was the post I was responding to, try to follow along if you can. It was YOU that used the term "over the life of the contact." I thought we were hoping for 100% at the inception of the contract. Which part of my math was incorrect?? Pretty basic business math stuff. Also try to formulate an intelligent, professional response, name calling and cursing at me is not exactly proving any points, at least not the point you are trying to make. Trying to discuss this contract with some people is like telling my 8 year old I won't buy him a new X-box game, it just illicits a tantrum - trying to scream and yell to get their way. Accomplishes nothing.
Does this really surprise you? From a business standpoint there is no basis to give anywhere close to the 100% raises you guys were touting about a couple months ago... Remember "Uncle Warren" is all about making "Uncle Warren" rich...
Yes, this was a suprise. The main reason is very simple. We have 5 of the biggest frikin' a$$holes to ever walk the planet negotiating our contract. These 5 jagoffs have completely disregarded the pilot groups input and have gone about it on their own. Its understood that these are our elected leaders and as such the negotiate for us. That being said none of them have ever used any of the resources the pilot group had to offer.
For example, we have some of the former MEC members from United who negotiated their contract in, I believe, '86. We also had access to experienced negotiators like Dubinsky. Despite these resources they have gone at it alone using only the Teamsters help, example UPS for how things turned out.

Next, these 5 dipsh!ts were going around telling everyone we "they" would not settle for anything less than a 5 year captain making around $125,000! when you hear your eleacted "leaders" tell you this you begin to have faith. Now we are being told that mid $80,000 at year 5 is what we should expect with little to no retro.

Here is the kicker! For those of you with real union experience(not the teamsters) how would you feel if the president of your company came into your company recurrent class and stood there, with a smirk, that your MEC and Teamsters were doing a great job for you. I nearly shat myself when I heard this.

Are "leaders" are the perfect example of Stockholme syndrome.

These guys are a joke and god help us if they get re-elected.
Lrjet55 said:
We also had access to experienced negotiators like Dubinsky.
Isn't this the guy who said something along the lines of "You need to squeeze every egg out of the golden goose and choke it to within an inch of its life to get the most from it"??? Did wonders for UAL...
Hey Falcon Capt.

Yes, that is him. Its his job to get as much as he can and the companies job is to give as little as possible.

In our case we have gotten as little as we can and and the company has gotten as much as possible.

We are an embarrasment to the industry.

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