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Not aviation....but a possible idea to make some extra money with low overhead.!?

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Well-known member
Apr 30, 2006
I just saw something I've never seen before here in GA at a gas station that would be so simple do with minimal upfront money.

Somebody is taking the pervs off the sex registry site for a specific geographic area and putting their info and photo in what is the equivalent of a small newspaper similar size to a Smart Shopper (probably 17"x11" newspaper stock folded in half then halved liked a newspaper).

Price? $2.00!

And the gas station only had one left on the counter! The girl behind the counter said people buy them like crazy.

It's free public information available on the internet for crying out loud!

She also said the same person is doing something similar in another similar type publication but with local arrest records featuring a photo of the perp and his charges.

Only the cover is in color and they can't cost that much to print not to mention you can sell ads.

This would be simple to do even on MS Word.

Selling people information which you acquire for free sounds like a pretty good plan to make some bucks in between gigs to me.

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