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North American Jet out of PWK (Eclipse Operator) - Questions...

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Well-known member
Feb 25, 2006
Anyone have recent intel on North American Jet out of PWK? I have looked at their website - looks like they operate quite a few Eclipse Jets and I have seen the employment info/requirements.

So, any word on salaries, schedules, QOL, etc.? I read in another post that salaries aren't very competitive - is that true? Is it classic 135 with life on a beeper and no free time?

Lastly, do they have pilots flying both the Eclipses and the Lear or just one type? Anyone familiar with the operation? Here's the website:


PMs are welcome too.
I spoke with them a while back about an Eclipse position and recall pay being in the low 40's

Thanks. Does not surprise me although I would expect a little higher for PICs - I think Dayjet pays its PICs in the 50s. I wonder how many of the canned Dayjet Eclipse pilots ended up there?

Anyone have info on schedules, QOL, and more pay details? How often are you on duty?
Keep on walking and if you don't, don't say you didn't hear it here! Pay sucks, low $40s for a EA50 CA means they have actually had an increase. I believe their Lear FOs are making something like $28K and King Air CA around $35K. The schedule is there is no schedule. 24/7/365 on call! I have heard from many people not to believe a word the owner says and Mike M. (CP) is about the same way. If you interview and really want it, I would call them every 5 days or so. They seem to like folks that are persistent. And no they do not cross-train people. Besides, I believe they have quite a few Eclipses out based.

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