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No contact with ACA?

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Senior Member
Sep 5, 2002
Does anybody know what is the deal with ACA. I cannot get a hold of Dean or Shawn! I have e-mailed them both and called them both and left messages for ANY info on a class date. I interviewd early in July. Either I am going crazy waiting or they must so busy they can't e-mail or anwser the phone. Somebody tell me someting!!!!!! Someone in the inside.......
zkmayo posted some good info in the thread "ACA New Hires" last week. I won't rehash the whole post, but it was said that around 150 of us are treading in the pool right now, presumably for class dates by the end of the year. ACA is still interviewing; the latest interview summary I saw was for September 3.:D

My personal opinion is that zkmayo has provided reliable info. I don't believe class dates have been set for November and December yet. Nothing on this site or any other (that I have seen) leads me to believe any different. ACA is likely waiting on something like confirmation of aircraft deliveries, or more likely word from UAL on how ACA/Air Wisconsin/Skywest fit into the recovery plan. This is total speculation on my part.:confused:

I have been in the pool for over a month now and am also itching to know something...anything!

I trust Dean and/or Shawn aren't avoiding any of us on purpose. I, too, have had no luck getting a reply. We'll all know soon enough.

Keep posting all info here!
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Dean is very good about getting back to you when you leave a message (usually within a day) but you have to remember, he has no information about class dates until they are set by the training department. If he has no information, I wouldn't expect a call back or he'd be spending all day calling people with "I'm sorry I don't know" which doesn't really help anyone. I know this doesn't help much, but just hang tight - when information is available it will be distributed.
Just to give you swimmers a bit of hope, the master bid for classes came out today and there are many FO slots still available. 142 CRJ FO slots, and 26 328 FO slots give or take a few. None are posted for J41 FO. These classes are projected to start in Oct and run through March 2003. Stay Afloat! They should be assigning classes soon to swimmers.
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Re: Dates

Gator Aviator said:
Did the master bid give dates for the classes?

yes. the classes will run between Oct 2002 and March 2003 with 2-3 classes starting per month

Is it possible the training department has been waiting to determine if folks were still needed in the J41 before allocating class dates and equipment?

I dont know what they are going to do with the J41. All I know is there arent any J41 FO slots posted, available or filled. Hope this helps.
Gator et al,

All the classes for new hires will start 2 weeks earlier than those for the pilots that are transitioning to a new seat that are already here. This is bc of basic indoc you guys will have to attend. You all will be hearing the phones ring/see the emails answered soon with the class date. Like someone above said, Dean has to hear from the training folks when to have you guys show up. Until he finds out himself (should be very soon), he'd just be wasting your time saying "i dont know yet."

keep treading water,

RJPilott and zkmayo,

Thanks for the information...this is very good news for those of us swimming right now. Can't wait to start!

ACA Info

zkmayo and RJpilott,

Thanks for the info, it is nice to talk to fellow pilots who know more than I do about what is going on.

If anybody knows anything else about ACA's - future hiring, class dates, equipment, Shedules, ANYTHING to help keep us swimmers from drowning, I Urge You, PLEASE POST SOMETHING! :D

Reliable Info IS Priceless
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I posted the most recent hiring stats and projections for ACA in a thread titled "ACA Hiring Projections" courtesy of AIR, Inc. Check it out for what has happened over the last few months and what is scheduled to happen thru year end.
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Gator Aviator

Thanks for the info, hopefully he will call soon... Send me your e-mail sometime - we might be in the same class.

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