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NJA May 17 indoc

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Well-known member
Apr 12, 2002
You can get a $79 rate at Homewood Suites in CMH for indoc. You can put 3 in a room if necc. Ask for Mary Ann Hott at 614/428-8800 for reservations. Tell her you are a NetJets new hire.

Can we assume you did well in your Netjets interview? I know you previously flew at EJM - correct? Any idea what aircraft you will start on?

"He shoots, he scores!" The crowd goes crazy and Marqmarq celebrates..... "Marqmarq", now that you've interviewed at CMH, what's next?" "I'm going to Toledoland and fly the Ultra...."
Re: Interview

marqmarq said:
"Marqmarq", now that you've interviewed at CMH, what's next?" "I'm going to Toledoland and fly the Ultra...."

Could be worse....you could be going to....well...nevermind...it couldn't be worse than Toledo.. :D

Don't get me wrong, I like Toledo.... Tony Pacco's, the Hen's, Charlie's, Loma lindas (sp?)., etc. etc. I'm thrilled to go back to work and be with NJA.
Good job. Yeah, you might be flying the Ultra for awhile, but eventually you'll climb into a X or a Sovereign.
Yeah, you might be flying the Ultra for awhile, but eventually you'll climb into a X or a Sovereign.

Is it really that big of a deal? Ok, I understand wanting to get out of an airplane like the Ultra(small cockpit, no APU)....but in my opinion, too many pilots care more about the airplane they fly than QOL. I fly the Hawker for FO. I'd like to upgrade, but I only really care about that because I'd make more money. After the novelty of a new jet wears off(rather quickly for me), it's just another jet. Ok, another reason I'd like to upgrade is because I get bored with aircraft rather quickly, and I've got more time in the Hawker than any other airplane I've ever flown(approx 1/3 of my time is in the Hawker)...but I just don't really get the facination with certain types. To me, flying a Citation X just means that they can have me fly coast to coast TWICE in a day and stay within flight/duty limitations....or even worse...fly to Hawaii....AND BACK to the mainland in the same day! :D
the Ultra

Slow down folks, I'm happy to go to TOL and very happy with the Ultra. I flew QS ultras with EJM and I'm more than happy to fly them again. QOL is the huge factor for me.... knowing that I'm working at my last job and have 25 years of opportunities in all kinds of types and missions....knowing that I'll make some decent coin in time.... knowing that I'll be secure.... I **CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED**ed happy to be at NJA and looking forward to getting on with training and replacing my old blue and white stripped tie with a gold one with nike swooshes!
Nobody at NJA can or will do an out and back to Hawaii in the X.
Written in the FOM now, 14 hours off minimum.

It was done a few years back by a couple Go team members.
Same with Europe except additional 1 hour rest for each time zone crossed.
Did floaters fly QS or EJ tail numbers. I know EJM had a few "core" airplanes but can't remember if they were EJ or QS

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