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News from NJI?

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TEB Hilton resident
Nov 25, 2001
Listening to the freq today two NJI guys were talking and saying there is big news this week and they were not to happy about it. Something about a Mr. No and another guy named Bill. Anybody hear anything?
That would be Dr. No. He is a new owner.
Dr. No and Honey Ryder just bought a 1/4 share togeather.
Well, MR No would be Bill Noe of NJI, and Bill would be Bill Boisture President of Netjets.. Numerous rumors what came out of their meeting last week, but who knows what is true and what is not.
I hear Bill Boisture is a pilots dream in that he is wiping out the redundant management levels. Managers who run good ol' boy shops, and mom and pop mentalities are being escorted to the door.

This is great for two reasons.... it gets rid of the jackas$'s and it makes the company run better.

Anyone from NJ got the real deal??
Are we talking about the same Bill Boisture that allowed two expensive management structures to remain at Gulfstream (one for Gulfstream Aerospace and one for Gulfstream Aircraft) while he was there?
Since we are swapping rumors,

1. I will empty out the glue bottles, resurrect a horse, and beat it to death again: Rumor in DC this week is that the duplication of management structures at NJA and NJA has been deemed inefficient and all three NetJets brands (NJA, NJI, and NJB - not EJM) will be combined as of July 1st. I will not hold my breath on this one. It pays for the man to have his own team of whipping boys to abuse on less-than-union-friendly long-range international trips.

2. As far as BB is concerned, yes that's the same guy from Gulfstream and United Technologies where he stomped out "unmutual" behavior. The dual management structure he left behind may be due to the fact that Gulfstream Aircraft has/was/is suffering from an identity crisis, is experiencing sluggish sales, and should be spun off on its own.

3. So many mom n' pop, feudal system, and back-door-dealing heads have rolled in Columbus that the peasants gather around their rim pagers every Friday in morbid anticipation of Madame Guiontine's latest victims! Vive La Revolution!

Oh yeah, Big Spoon, you left your wife's garter and panty ensemble at the Hilton Dulles. It looked better on you, I think. I am keeping it for sentimental reasons.

See you downtown.
Guess that means all the Flight Option crews are going to get the Gulfstreams....

Nevertheless, the Col. has a point.

The NJA, NJI & NJB "operations" are seemless except for the mass management teams...it's a total waste!! NetJets Inc. would probably save 3 million in salaries just by cutting people who play Tetris for 8 hours a day. I think it's very possiable.....the labor issue is going to be the thorn.

My belief: In 24 months, NetJets will be a VERY different company.

"What has two thumbs and doesn't give a $hit"? [pointing] ME
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W. W. Boisture, Jr.

AeroBoy said:
Are we talking about the same Bill Boisture that allowed two expensive management structures to remain at Gulfstream (one for Gulfstream Aerospace and one for Gulfstream Aircraft) while he was there?

Gulfstream Aircraft Incorporated is the sales organization - Gulfstream Aerospace is the production arm of the company. There is no duplification of effort - there is specialization of effort.

When Teddy Forstmann bought Gulfstream in 1994 for 850 million dollars with 250 million in assumed debt, he put W. W. Boisture in charge of the company with a mandate to make it profitable. In June 1999 Forstmann was able to sell Gulfstream to General Dynamics for 6.5 billion dollars. I'd say Bill Boisture grew the company pretty well.

Nick Chabraja, GD CEO, made Boisture an officer in the parent company as well as being president of Gulfstream.

Prior to coming to Gulfstream, Bill was president of BAE Business Aircraft, President of Butler, and President of SimuFlite.

Under the current administration, Bill Boisture was offered the position of Secretary of the Air Force - which he declined.

In working for Bill you will find that everyone has a performance based relationship with him, but if you work for him he will go to the mat for you. He provides clear leadership, believes in keeping the troops informed, and you will always know where you stand - both with him and with the company. I thoroughly enjoyed working for him.


You're Welcome.

Did I mention that Bill was a F-15 Command Pilot, is GIV rated and used to fly himself around in a Citation while he was at Gulfstream?

My personal observation has been that NetJets is a large company being run like a small company - under Boisture management will grow up.


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