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Active member
Mar 12, 2002

just interview with Mesa. I'm sure you know by now Freedom is Dead. I shoud hear something soon.


If I understand it correctly, once the new contract passes next week(all the Mesa interview pilots said it will), Freedom Air will no longer exist. All Freedom pilots will go back to Mesa. I want to say there were 25 or so at the interview. a lot from The ex-Willie AFB ASU campus and a bunch of Farmington boys. There was one other than myself who had no prior affiliation with Mesa. I also understand once the contract is voted in, Mesa will be hiring like crazy!!!
Mesa's new TA

Heard that their new TA calls for a 2% pay increase. What a load of pure bull sh!t that is. If you were making 30 bucks an hour, that equates to a 60 cent raise. How long do you have to work there as an FO to get paid over 30 bucks anyway? Can't believe they said yes to that TA. Oh well. Mesa Airlines - Bringing substandard wages to an airport near you. That TA certainly doesn't help any of the other regionals in the industry. Just my opinion.
Brett, Did you interview at Mesa or Freedumb? I ask b/c IF the TA passes (it is still in the road show stage El Bucho) they still have to merge over 130 CCAir pilots who are on furlough before they will begin hiring off the street. I know there will be a lot of growth but that will still take some time. -Bean


beware of the interview kool-aid. when you're getting a measly 8 days off a month on reserve and getting paid peanuts...well let's just say it's not all about "they're hiring like crazy". Spend a couple months on reserve anywhere and you'll realize how important a good contract is.

How are you doing? I was there with you at the interview. I am sure you remember. Do you have any news yet? Nothing new yet from my side.

P.S. My interview experience was in the same fashion as what you had experienced.

PM me if you want.

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