Wondering if you might be able to share some info on the pay rates of your new contract, as well as the min guarantee. Just curious to see what you are gonna get vs. what we have now at Air Whiskey.
TWA ordered about 75+ NEW airplanes and still couldn't pay us industry standard wages. In fact we still lost a cool couple hundred mill each year till the APA bought us. I mean AMR, although according to the APA it was them that saved us from the street. But that's not really true anymore, is it? It's so confusing.
Point is, good luck. I do think you guys will do better than we did in getting the money you want.
You could always do a sick-out..........well, on second thought, don't.
I heard the same thing about the pay rates. I'm hoping that there is something in this new contract for the younger guys and gals at PSA then being catered toward the older guys.
If this isnt up to standards with the other wholly owned, you can cast my vote for "no freakin way".
I guess we will wait and see. More details to follow as we get them.
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