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New ACA Jumpseat Policy

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Dec 4, 2001
Just wanted to let y'all know that ACA now allows multiple Jumpseaters on our Delta side. The UAL side also (as it always had) allows this. No more fistfights required...
Thanks acaTerry. Do you know if Delta allows multiple jumpseaters now? Any info appreciated. It would certaintly help many of pilots.
This new policy is solely the result of pressure by that "regional-pilot abusing, free-market-interfering, getting in-the-way-of-management-employee relations, money-hungry, only-interested in mainline, only-interested-in-dues," organization known as ALPA.

And people still wonder why we need unions.
DarnNearaJet said:
This new policy is solely the result of pressure by that "regional-pilot abusing, free-market-interfering, getting in-the-way-of-management-employee relations, money-hungry, only-interested in mainline, only-interested-in-dues," organization known as ALPA.

And people still wonder why we need unions.

Exactly!!! This new policy, which was won from a recent company-ALPA systems board will allow multiple mainline pilots in the back. It will not directly benefit the pilots at ACA.

Before the ALPA natzies get their panties ruffled, I'm kidding here :)

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