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NetJets won't strike

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Well-known member
Sep 16, 2004
OK, here it is. NetJets won't strike. Not because of fear, apathy or love of the TA, but because they'll never let you.

Wise up! The owners are not dumb - they've made a few billion and ultimately will do what's best for them...make money.

If NetJet's pilots were to strike, it would send a shockwave through the company and eventually the entire frac industry. NetJets' clients, who own a piece of a plane, would go NUTS if they had to pay the mortgage on it but couldn't fly it 'cause of no pilots. NetJets might save millions negotiating a contract, but would loose much, much more if they had a mass exodus of clients.

Face it, they're bluffing - if you even LOOKED like you were organized, commited and going to strike, they'd give you a better wage than the corp. guys make. You've got them by the nuts and you all sound like your on the defensive - if I had that kind of leverage, I'd never get the short end of the stick...

First of all no one just goes on strike. You might want to read up on the RLA (Railroad Labor Act). Regardless of the size of the gonads of the pilot group we would have to get released from the National Mediation Board after a "cooling off period". Second, the board has said that if the TA does not pass than no new negotiations can happen until 24 calender months from the date of the vote down. Sooooo even if the group wanted to strike and we got released from the NMB it would take years.

Better luck next time on the flame.
Understand all of that stuff - but I'm sure someone else enjoyed the lesson.

My point is that the NetJet boys should stand strong - not only are there great hurdles to a strike, but that management would NEVER let it happen - even the threat would put them in a cold sweat. They should DEMAND a fair salary - they fly more legs than the rest of us and fly for the wealthiest owners and the wealthiest corporation (Berkshire.)

Just my thoughts - if I was trying to 'flame' I would (and can) be much more caustic - I'm actually on the side of better wages in the entire industry I work in.
FrontierFan said:
Second, the board has said that if the TA does not pass than no new negotiations can happen until 24 calender months from the date of the vote down.
:eek: SAY WHAT?! Are you referring to the company negotiators, or the NMB? Sounds like they're really playing hardball here.
NJA can not strike. Not for the reason mentioned, but because the RLA is set up to avoid a strike, because the political situation will not allow it, and becasue if they do, their owners are gone.

Yes I understand that is the orginal point: owners will not allow it: WRONG. The owners at NJA already have positions in other fractionals: CS, FO, FlexJet. NJA on strike does not mean DICK to them. The owners have money and will fly with the companies that are still flyig.

If the pilots strike and NJA folds, RTS will still have a LOT of money so he does not care. Daddy, near death, Warren has a boat load of money and could care less. He pays lawyers to deal witht these minior problems like pissed off employees on stike. (By the way, the money to pay lawyers ain't comin' out a' Daddy Warren's pocket.)

The only ones with out money in a NJA strike is the NJA pilots.

Enough of this esoteric BULL **CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED** from Net Wife, Flops Wife, Griz, Flex, GF, et. al. NJA guys: VOTE. Vote your contract up or down and then deal with the result.

Bye Now and Buy Bonds.
Wow. That is some ignorant stuff. Quotes like "Warren has a boat load of money and could care less. He pays lawyers to deal witht these minior problems like pissed off employees on stike." are exactly why you're (thankfully) not running a company. If you think "Warren" has continued to grow his portfolio at astonishing rates by not dealing with "minor problems" at a company that he paid 750 million dollars for, then you're quite well qualified to spout your views on boards such as this, and, hopefully, nowhere else.

Try your insults without the "censored" lines - they make you look like you can't think of a good comeback.

The rest of us are looking to solutions for our friends at NetJets - these discussions should be positive and constructive.
Daddy Warren is not the least bit concerned about 750 Mill. And, yes his lawyers will clean up all details. 750 millon to a company with the net worth of BH ain''t DICK.

750 mil is one great tax wright ff for BH.

And the NJA owers will still fly on THEIR other contracts with FO, FLEX JET and CS.

Face it, NJA PILOTS can still decide their prefered form of suicide. Vote in the TA and Die Quick. Vote to reject and Die SLOW. The RCA's are coming regardless of the vote. The Current Gateway system is not protected.

NJA Guys and Gals VOTE. Vote your contract up or down and deal with the result.

Enough of this esoteric crap. (Ace-of-the-Base. look it up. It is clear that you do not have the educational background to even begin to understand.)
Witty retort

Esoteric, wow...got out the dictionary for that one...man, Nabokov would be impressed (and English was his third language.)

I just ran a cross reference on Amstat of people who own NetJet shares and also own shares in other frac programs - it came out to less than 1 percent! I don't know who you are or where you get your opinions (obviously not facts), but I admire your gumption. But, if it makes you feel better, have at it.

I think you are a little confused on this one too..."Warren" is NOT your father - I know it would make your live easier, but...sorry.

Doesn't care about 750 million...HA, that one was the best!

Anyway, please take your stuff elsewhere; I'm really trying to have a serious discussion here.
I'm not a fractional pilot, but I am certainly familiar with shi.tty negotiations. It would seem to me that you guys need to force the company to the table, this will take some balls on the pilot groups part.

As front line customer service people, can't you guys simply "fly the POH,FAR's, and contract" to the letter???? I know at the regionals this has the effect of KILLING schedules, and INFURIATING management.

I am NOT saying deliberately creating situations, but if you taxi out and are 1 lb below MINF, then you take the time to get more gas. If you do this, and write up ALL appropriate maint. issues, this will certainly cause your passengers to be FURIOUS. Your elite pax will certainly complain to the company.....am I wrong?

In the world of cattle car flying (what I do) NO ONE cares what the pax think. By the time we see them, the company already has their $$. The companies mind set is "you get the service we choose to give you--don't like it, tough shi.t." I would have to think it's different in the Frac. world.

Just my thoughts........
longrangekiller said:
Daddy Warren is not the least bit concerned about 750 Mill. And, yes his lawyers will clean up all details. 750 millon to a company with the net worth of BH ain''t DICK.

750 mil is one great tax wright ff for BH.

And the NJA owers will still fly on THEIR other contracts with FO, FLEX JET and CS.

Face it, NJA PILOTS can still decide their prefered form of suicide. Vote in the TA and Die Quick. Vote to reject and Die SLOW. The RCA's are coming regardless of the vote. The Current Gateway system is not protected.

NJA Guys and Gals VOTE. Vote your contract up or down and deal with the result.

Enough of this esoteric crap. (Ace-of-the-Base. look it up. It is clear that you do not have the educational background to even begin to understand.)
Ok, we will vote it down then. I prefer dying a slow death and making sure I take some A$$holes with me. Why are your panties all bunched up over this anyway? Does it affect you or something?

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