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NetJets upgrade time?

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Why is upgrade time that important anyway? If you compare upgrade times to the airlines, 4 years is a breeze. Try 9-15+ years as an FO.
Well.....It's important because FOs at NJA only make $27K/year. Doesn't seem very breezy on that kind of pay, and definately not attractive for experienced or quality pilots. Sorry to detract from your optimism NJA CPT, but 3-5 years for an upgrade is a reasonable expectation at NJA, especially if they plan on paying by class. There are so many senior guys in the "lighter" fleets just waiting to see what the contract says. If forced to upgrade to a "heavier" airplane to get more pay, that will definately push upgrades for new hires back even further.

This message is for any prospective new hire. If the company tells you that you will upgrade in 12-18 months, ask them to put it in writing. If they refuse, you have your answer.
NJA Capt said:
Why is upgrade time that important anyway? If you compare upgrade times to the airlines, 4 years is a breeze. Try 9-15+ years as an FO.
You forgot to add the fact that after 4-5 years at the Legacy carriers, most FO's are making upwards of 80k, some over 100k. I don't think you would hear nearly as many complaints about upgrade times if that were the case at NJA(or any of the frax for that matter).
The problem with Netjets and upgrades is the senior dudes (myself included) get bored in an aircraft after a while and jump to another plane just to get the type.

They go from smaller to larger and larger to smaller. So the dudes on the bottom just sit and wait for new airplanes to come on line. It aint like the airlines where people on the top move on or out. They stay longer (past 60, hell close to 70) and guys just type collect. However, with the new contract (if the P.O.S. passes) things might change. Folks will be more likely to stay put and not "down grade" to a smaller aircraft because lack of salary. This is just how I see things.

Oh yeah, that 16 year contract at American Eagle was a joke!
NJA Capt said:

Why is upgrade time that important anyway? If you compare upgrade times to the airlines, 4 years is a breeze. Try 9-15+ years as an FO. The only reason I can see is for people to get their 1000 PIC turbine to jump ship.

I am glad to see that you are proud to do what you do NJA Capt. That's the most important of all. But I have to disagree with you on those numbers.

2nd year FO for an airline this year: $90K
Upgrade time: 5 years

I wish you the best and as I said in my resignation letter to NJA, this pilot group is great and will lead the co to the top...only if you don't compare yourself to the worse case scenario.
By the way those 9 to 15 years FO are not jumping the ship to NJ are they?
I couldn't agree more!!

Mudworm said:
I heard on Imus the other morning on one of his commercials for his buddy RS that every NetJets Aircraft is piloted by 2 Captains. I undersdtand that all pilots are typed but either they should change the langauge or pay both as Captains. That FO pay is pathetic (as is the Captains for that matter).:mad:
As the wife of an Excel FO/FO, you have no idea how that burns me up!! They lied to him at his interview--you'll make Captain in a few months--well 20 months later and no upgrade in sight!! An industry leading contract is just around the corner---another lie!!! Unless they meant leading the BOTTOM! We are fighting back, and so are all the other families. The TA is an OUTRAGE--It will not pass!!
Summer of 2001

Upgrade came in Initial Ground School, the first week of employment.
Trapped on the bottom!

When conditions change they should be honest to the person they are interviewing. As a family that was misled, I appreciate the fact that you guys are trying to provide straight answers to the pilots asking about employment at NetJets. We just waved a friend away, and he got on at AirTran for much better pay. I hate being jeered at for my husband's job. How conviently some here forget about seat locks and families. To get out of the former, hurts the latter. How many can afford to pay back the cost of training?! My family has decided to fight against this POS TA/classic example of corporate greed.
pilotyip said:
Upgrade came in Initial Ground School, the first week of employment.
Ah, yes. And what was it that happened a few months later. Uh. Wait. Don't tell me. I'll think of it sooner or later. All I know is that in the fall of that year, the brakes were applied. And it wasn't just OSAMA. It was the economy in general. NETJETS WILL NEVER GROW AS FAST AS IT DID BACK IN THE LATE 90'S. It's a fact. Most companies will never grow as fast as they did back in the late 90's. It was a one-time boom. Similar to the 20's before the Depression put the brakes on. Then everyone comes back down to reality. Netjets will still grow for sure. Just not at 1 plane a week. Maybe more like 1 or 2 planes a month. Still impressive. But not nearly fast enough to afford an upgrade in 2 years.

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